
Pumpkin Power: The Surprising Benefits of this Fall Favourite Ingredient

Dietician Vidhi Chawla, Founder of Fisico Diet and Skin Clinic, shares this superfood’s many benefits

Pumpkin is a nutritious, adaptable food that is high in fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The majority of pumpkin’s health advantages are centred on its fibre content and micronutrients, such as beta carotene and vitamin A. Pumpkin is a popular fall ingredient, but you may be wondering if it’s healthy. Pumpkin is both healthy and low in calories. It’s also more adaptable than you may assume. It may be used in both savoury and sweet recipes. Here, Dt. Vidhi Chawla, Founder of Fisico Diet and Skin Clinic, shares the surprising benefits of pumpkin.

    1. Nutritional Powerhouse: Pumpkins are abundant in key nutrients and low in calories. They are high in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as magnesium, potassium, and dietary fibre. These nutrients assist good eyesight, the immune system, heart health, and digestion.

    2. Rich in Antioxidants: Pumpkins are high in antioxidants like beta-carotene, which gives them their brilliant orange colour. Antioxidants help the body neutralise damaging free radicals, lowering the chance of chronic illnesses such as heart disease and some malignancies.

    3. Heart Health: Pumpkins’ fibre, potassium, and vitamin C levels are all good for heart health. Fibre aids in the reduction of cholesterol, whereas potassium aids in the regulation of blood pressure. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that promotes blood vessel health.

    4. Weight Management: Pumpkins are lower in calories and high in fibre, making them an excellent component for a weight-loss diet. The fibre content keeps you fuller for longer, lowering your risks of overeating.

    5. Hydration: Because pumpkins have a high amount of water, they are a hydrating dietary option. Hydration is necessary for several body activities, including digestion, circulation, and temperature control.

    6. Post-Workout Recovery: Pumpkins are high in potassium, which aids in electrolyte balance after exercise. Potassium is necessary for optimal muscular function and can help with muscle cramps and pain.

    7. Immune Support: Pumpkins include vitamin C and other immune-boosting elements, which can help improve your immune system and make you less vulnerable to diseases and infections.

    8. Eye Health: Pumpkins’ high beta-carotene content is turned into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is essential for excellent eyesight, especially in low-light circumstances. Regularly eating pumpkins may help prevent macular degeneration caused by age and improve general eye health.

    9. Mood Booster: Tryptophan, an amino acid found in pumpkins, aids in the creation of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood. Pumpkin consumption may promote a happy mood and general well-being.

Whether you like pumpkin in savoury recipes, baked products, or smoothies, adding it into your diet can give you with a variety of unexpected health advantages as suggested by Dt. Vidhi Chawla.

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