Mental Health

Does Heartbreak Affect Your Overall Health? A Relationship Expert Weighs In

Shahzeen Shivdasani, Relationship Expert and Author of the book ‘Love, Lust and Lemons’, sheds light on how to notice the symptoms of deteriorating health and deal with them after a break up

Breakup—a traumatic event that can truly break you down to your very core. You are lost in an abyss of pain and longing while trying to find a tunnel that leads to a way out. When this distress continues for a very long time, it affects your health. Take a look at how you can notice the symptoms and what you can do about it.

Image: Shahzeen Shivdasani, Relationship Expert and Author of the book ‘Love, Lust and Lemons’

1. Sleeping a Lot

When a shared life with someone is removed from your path, it can make you feel lost. The sadness that accompanies it can make it difficult to look forward to your day. There’s a big hole in your day where someone else used to be. You may tend to sleep a lot, so as to not face your reality. Remember to be kind to yourself. Try to plan things to do during the day. It can be work commitments, a hobby, or a workout. Giving yourself a reason to get up and dive into your day is crucial.

2. Negative Thought Patterns

During this time, a lot of negative thoughts are going to go through your head and you may even question your self-worth. On some days, they will be less and on some days, they will be like a stuck record playing over and over. Consider seeking support through therapy and talking to your friends. Practice positive affirmations and watch or read self-help articles and videos. Understanding that you are not alone and working through these thoughts is key.

3. Physical Symptoms

Traumatic events can affect your body. Frequent fatigue, headaches, and digestive issues are all symptoms of stress. The only way to calm your system down is to add self-care activities to your life. Engage in consistent exercising, make sure your diet is balanced, drink enough water, and try holistic approaches like meditation.

4. Foggy Mindset

You may feel that your mind is clouded. Making decisions can be hard at such a time. Your mind is replaying all the memories as well as what the different outcomes could have been. Tackle this by making small decisions at a time and completing small tasks in front of you. It is okay if you can’t make big decisions and can’t get everything done. Just put your best foot forward and do what you can.

5. Irritability and Anger

Having outbursts of these emotions is completely normal. However, finding an outlet for these feelings is very important so that you don’t take these emotions out on people that don’t deserve it, or let them fester inside you. Boxing and physical activities are a great way to release this energy. Try practicing breathing techniques which aid in calming you down and adding the positivity back. Healing is not a linear process.

While some people take months to heal, others can take years. Do not compare yourself to others and how they dealt with similar situations. Everyone’s attachment to a person is different and so is their pain. Eventually, it will get better. You can’t force it. So, trust the process and allow yourself time.

Remember, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Even if you may be taking long to get there and see it, it exists and eventually, when your mind and body are ready, you’ll see it.

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