Mental Health

Music: A Therapy

There are a very few people who don’t feel a strong connection with music. Not everyone can tune or play an instrument but every person has a list of songs that can bring to mind a happy memory and make your mood good. Even surgeons play their favorite music to release stress in the operating room and also it has been observed that spreading music to patients has improved surgical outcomes. Over the last few decades in all facets of healing, music therapy has played a stronger role.

What is music therapy?

Music therapy is a growing field. Certified music therapists are generally proficient musicians with deep knowledge of how music can bring to mind emotional replies that can help people relax or stimulate their mind and body and help them heal the damage. They combine their skill with a wide variety of musical styles with this knowledge to find the specific kind that can get you through a stimulating physical rehab session and even guide you into meditation. And they can help you to find that which genre of music is your favorite and can help you relax your mind and body be it Indie, pop, ambient or metal for some.

Many musicians become music therapist realizing that they can use their knowledge of music to support others in several ways. As they know how big the impact of music can leave on someone not well. But a music therapist knows few boundaries. They may perhaps play music for you and even explain the usage of solfege or isochronic tones & instruments which can heal you.



A developing body of research confirms that music therapy is more than just a nice perk. It makes medical outcome and the quality of life better in a multiple ways:

Eases anxiety and discomfort during procedures

In controls clinical trials of people having cardiac angiography, colonoscopies or knee surgery; those who hear music before their surgery tends to have less anxiety and less need for tranquilizers. Also according to the report, people who hear music in the operating room are reported to have less distress during their process. And people who hear music in their recovery room used less sedative medication for pain.

Restoring lost speech

Music therapy helps people recovering from a stroke or traumatic brain injuries that damage the left region of the brain that is responsible for speech. As the ability to sing originates in the right side of the brain therefore to keep the right side of the brain active one must create music and sing their feelings and then slowly dropping the melody. Many people have already tried this method for their recover after severe injuries where they have lost their ability to speak and have seen a positive result through it.

Reduces side effects of cancer

Music delivers a lot of positive effects on the cancer patients. Hospitals can introduce music as a passive form of therapy. As patients while receiving chemotherapy experiences many severe side effects like difficulty in breathing, many flu-like symptoms and nausea. Also, patients getting radiotherapy often face anxiety, stress, fear and loneliness. Therefore, while receiving these treatments, listening to music can help the patient to distract their minds from the distress caused by the treatment and also help them in coping with high levels of anxiety, fear or even loneliness.

Help in physical therapy and rehabilitation

Music and its effects on the brain connect to emotions and memories of some patient. While listening to music, some patients gets involved in it and become less aware of the suffering. And if you keep fit to a playlist, you can possibly observe that it helps you stick to your routine. Indeed, a study of 2011 states that music therapy improves mental, physical, psychological and emotional functioning of a patient during their physical rehabilitation programs.

Aids pain relief

To know about music therapy as a pain relief it has been tested in a variety of patients which ranges from people with intense short-term pain to those who suffer chronic pain from arthritis. And found that over all music therapy reduces pain perception and also the amount of pain medication gives to a patient. It also helps in relieving depression in pain patients and provides a sense of better control over the pain.

Music therapy has usually produced positive results, but it cannot be recommended as a stand-alone treatment for any severe medical and psychiatric issues. Music can help in relieving the patient from some of the symptoms of the treatment. To achieve complete success with the therapy the therapist will most likely confirm preference of the patient for consideration.

Disclaimer: This article is authored by Sherrin Varghese – Singer, Composer and Music Producer. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not represent those of GlobalSpa.

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