
Drinking Water 30 Minutes Before a Meal Can Help Weight Loss by 40 Percent!

 Did you know you could lose weight through drinking water, and that too by a tremendous forty percent? 


It might sound like a surprise to you, but it’s an actual genuine trick that works. 

In research that was done by the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, it was found that drinking water could be a beneficial practice in weight loss. It was found that water could increase weight loss by up to 40%. 


How does drinking water 30 minutes before taking a meal helps in weight loss? 

There are two ways you can lose weight when using this technique, which include: 


Reducing the number of calories you consume

Drinking water 30 minutes before taking a meal will help in filling up your stomach. You know, many people eat and then drink water which is opposite of what should be done. 

When one takes food first before drinking water, he/she will take excess calories, which results in weight gain. But when you start with drinking water, your stomach will be a little bit filled up. 

This means you will have less remaining space to fill. Through this, your only option will be to take fewer calories, compared to when you haven’t drunken water.  With time and consistency, you will start to experience weight loss.


Through boosting your body metabolism


It should be clear that for sufficient weight loss, your body metabolism should be working correctly. For you to lose weight through water metabolism mechanism, you need to take ice-cold water. 


After drinking cold water, your metabolism needs to work extra hard to ensure your body regain its average temperature. This process will require more energy, which means more calories will be required.

When your body burns a lot of calories through the process, you will start to experience weight loss.


The way forward

Water drinking and weight loss have a comparative relationship making them a sufficient weight loss technique. Adopting this method can help those who are overweight or obese to lose weight up to 40 percent.

It’s beneficial in reducing risks and complications associated with overweight and obesity. 

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