
A Complete guide to building immunity during a Pandemic

Immune support by nutrients include Protein, Vitamins A, D, C, E, B6, and B12, Folate, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Selenium, Magnesium, Omega-3, and Probiotics – playing a vital, often synergistic roles at every stage of the immune reaction. Ms. Rashida Vapiwala, Founder, LabelBlind® explains more about what to put in your grocery cart.

A recent study compared Indian diet with a reference EAT Lancet Global Report on Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems, bringing to light some key points that we can relate to the rising incidence of non-communicable diseases in India –

  1. Just 7% of daily calories coming from Protein as compared to the recommended 29%
  2. Most Indians, except the richest ones in urban areas, do not consume enough fruits. The average consumption of calories from fruits is less than 40% of what EAT-Lancet recommends.
  3. Indians consume less of the healthier oils & fats and more of the unhealthier saturated fats like palm oil.
  4. 30% of the diet of rich urban people consists of processed food. An average Indian household consumes more calories from processed foods than fruits.
  5. 34% of Indians are not sufficiently engaged in physical activity.

Diets low in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains but high in salt, sugar, and fat are responsible for India’s increasing disease burden of non-communicable diseases. The same diet is also responsible to reduce the strength of our immunity.

Certain populations have inadequate dietary micronutrient intakes, and situations with increased requirements (e.g., infection, stress, and pollution) further decrease stores within the body. Several micronutrients could also be deficient, and even marginal deficiency may impair immunity.

COVID-19 has stirred the world’s perspective towards health of people and communities. Reports are indicating that people with low immunity have been the early victims of the pandemic. With cure still at a distance, Immunity and Hygiene have come to fore of human requirement for survival.


1.) Protein deficiency is associated with impaired immunity among other issues. Individual amino acids have shown to influence the immune system by enhancing T-cell response.

Found in – Dairy & Dairy products, Pulse-based snacks, Nuts (whole nuts, nut butters, and nut milks), Seeds, Health Food Drinks, Soy products (tofu, soy milk, soy nuggets), Quinoa & Quinoa products.

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) : 0.8 – 1.0 g/kg body weight/day

2.) Vitamin A has a central role in enhancing immune function and plays regulatory roles in cellular immune responses. It is an integral part of epithelial tissues and mucous membranes which form the first line of defense against infections.

Found in- Fruit & Vegetable Products (dried fruits, fruit & vegetable beverages, fruit-based snacks), Dairy & Dairy products (milk, dahi, yogurts, fermented dairy beverages).

RDA: 600 mcg /day (retinol)

3.) Vitamin E is effective against infections due to its potent antioxidant functions. It enhances the activity of white blood cells and helps them to destroy foreign cells, thereby enhancing resistance.

Found in – Vegetable Oils, Nuts (whole nuts, nut butters, nut milks), Seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, etc.)

RDA: 15 mcg/day

4.) Vitamin C acts an antioxidant and protects cells from oxidative damage from free radicals. It is a barrier against disease-causing bacteria and viruses.

Found in – Fruit & Vegetable Products (dried fruits, fruit & vegetable beverages, fruit chips, fruit purees), Fruit & Vegetable based snacks, Vegetable-based Dips. Vitamin C fortification commonly seen in Breakfast Cereals.

RDA: 40 mg/day

5.) Iron: Low iron levels affects the cascade of adequate immune response. It is required for immune cell production and growth, particularly lymphocytes.

Found in – Pulses and Pulse-based products (beans, sprouts, dals), Nuts & Seeds. Iron is also found in fortified and enriched Breads, Breakfast Cereals, and Health Food Drinks.

RDA: 19-21 mg/day

6.) Zinc is crucial for normal development and function of cells mediating innate immunity. Zinc also is an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory actions.

Found in – Whole grains (wheat, rice, millets, quinoa, etc.), Wholegrain and Multigrain Flours, Bread, Dairy & Dairy Products, Meat & Meat products, Nuts (whole nuts, nut butters, nut milks), Seeds. Fortified Breakfast Cereals and Health Food Drinks are fortified with zinc.

RDA: 12 mg/day

7.) Selenium protects the body against oxidative stress. Selenium plays a key role in regulating oxidative stress and excessive immune responses as well as chronic inflammation.

Found in – Whole grains (wheat, rice, millets, quinoa, etc.), Wholegrain and Multigrain Flours, Bread, Dairy & Dairy Products, Meat & Meat products naturally contain good amounts of selenium, but we have not observed and products/brand declaring selenium values on food labels, except for Health Food Drinks.

RDA: 40 mcg/day

Other essential nutrition factors are Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Magnesium, Copper, Omega-3 and Probiotics. Added sugar, Saturated Fat, Trans Fat, and Sodium have shown to suppress immunity.

Our daily use grocery can be a great source of immunity-boosting nutrients if we really know what to choose. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to buy food knowing the nutrients that strengthen immunity for all in the family?

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