Health Nutrition

Pineapple-Fruit that tame stress

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Did you know that pineapples are actually not just one fruit but a composite of many flowers whose individual fruitlets fuse together around a central core? Each fruitlet can be identified by an “eye,” the rough spiny marking on the pineapple’s surface. Read on to know more about pineapples.

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This tropical fruit is not only famous among the weight-watchers and dieters but is also great for keeping your skin youthful. Pineapple is also the fruit of choice when a person wants to calm down and kill stress. The not-so-secret component of the pineapple fruit is called bromelain. Pineapple is filled with phytonutrients that work as well as many medicines do to reduce symptoms of some of the most common illnesses and conditions we see today. Its benefits include protection against cardiovascular disease, improved fertility, reduced inflammation and more. On top of the many health benefits of pineapple, it’s easy to find, inexpensive, versatile in recipes and, of course, its sweet, golden flesh tastes great too!

Bromelain is a type of enzyme that soothes swelling, heals bruises and physical injuries. Pineapple also lowers inflammation and soothes feelings of indigestion. As such, pineapples are proven stress-relievers.

Pineapple benefits include protection against cardiovascular disease, improved fertility, reduced inflammation and more. On top of the many health benefits of pineapple, it’s easy to find, inexpensive, versatile in recipes and, of course, its sweet, golden flesh tastes great too!


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