
Yoga Pose Cat Stretch Exercises for your Spine

The modern life that is fast-moving and competitive brings with itself several perils upon the mind-body ecosystem in the form of unwanted stress, traumas and various life style related ailments. One of the worst affected regions is our ‘ Merudand’ or our spinal cord, which is responsible for a healthy and happy physical, mental, and spiritual existence. Manu Singh, Chief Mentor, Varenyum tells you how to say goodbye to back pains with cat stretch by.

Working long hours in enclosed spaces, incorrect sitting and sleeping postures, lack of workout, smoking and poor dietary habits are devastating for our spinal health. This devastation is symptomatically experienced in the form of back pains and spinal injuries.

Cat Pose or ‘Bidalasana’ is one of the most remarkable and scientifically approved techniques to reinvigorate and strengthen the spine, and heal backaches and pains. In its true kinetic form, cat pose is done in complete synchronization with ‘Prana’ or breath- in form of an asana flow, from cow pose to cat stretch, which has several transformational benefits for the body-mind ecosystem.

Maintaining the proper form is vitally important: the practitioner begins with a tabletop position, shoulders over wrists and hips over knees, attempting to balance equally through hands and legs. Starting with a neutral spine, he/she begins to inhale, expanding the belly toward the floor, looking towards the third eye, while sending ‘Shakti’ forward through the sternum and the tailbone as they tilt toward the sky. Then he/she starts exhaling the belly button toward the spine and continues that lift towards the heart, scooping the tailbone, allowing the chin to rest on the chest, looking towards the nose. The practitioner oscillates between these movements, which should be slow and incomplete awareness. The entire process should be imagined as a frictionless flow and any jerks or sudden movements should be avoided.

Regularly performing the cat pose strengthens the gastrointestinal tract and also heals the female reproductive system. The asana is also tremendously beneficial in mitigating pain and trauma arising from menstrual cramps, herniated disk, and sciatica, while also releasing built-up tension from the upper and lower back, due to poor postures in the mundane life. The results are easily noticeable only after a few reps of the asana. The flowing movement of contracting and expanding the spine improves blood and lymphatic circulation to the discs between the vertebrae, which in turn relieves stress from the back and calms the mind. This improved circulation also aids in physical and mental healing and also improves the immune system.

Regular practice augments flexibility of the neck, shoulders, and spine, while also stretching the muscles of the hips, back, abdomen, chest, and lungs. Additionally, the flow of inhaling Prana in the Spinal flexion and exhaling it in the Spinal extensions also balances the primary and secondary curves, while also strengthening the core muscles. The reciprocal relation of these three is elementary for the flexibility of the entire body.

Apart from various physical benefits, the cat pose, if coordinated with breathing and awareness, is an excellent boost for mindfulness too. The Prana synchronized asana flow amplifies coordination, fosters intentional focus, and invigorates concentration. Releasing of the trapped energy in the form of stress in the back, while performing the asana mindfully is also instrumental in bringing about emotional stability and increasing emotional intelligence.

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