
Celebrating the Doyenne: Diksha Arora

“For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.” ~ Virginia Woolf. On this International Women’s Day, GlobalSpa recognizes and celebrates the women in the industry as we delve into their success mantra they follow, mistakes that have helped them grow, and of course, their WELLNESS philosophy.

Diksha Arora aka English Compiled is a digital content creator.

What is your wellness philosophy?

For me, wellness means maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Despite the demands of my schedule, I prioritize engaging in physical activity, such as running, skipping, playing badminton or swimming, or dancing to my favorite music. While I don’t obsessively count calories, I aim to follow a whole-food approach to nutrition. Additionally, I recognize the importance of getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night, as less sleep directly affects my productivity levels. By prioritizing these practices, I feel empowered to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

Your success mantra?

Achieving success is never easy. It requires an unwavering commitment to pursuing our passions with everything we have, and a refusal to give up until we accomplish our goals. Throughout my own journey, I have found that two key attributes have been essential: consistency and persistence. Despite the obstacles and challenges that inevitably arise, I have remained steadfastly focused on my predetermined course of action, never allowing difficulties to derail my progress. Through unwavering dedication and determination, I have been able to overcome every obstacle and reach new heights of achievement.

A lesson you learned from making a mistake?

In my view, making mistakes is a natural part of life, and nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I believe it is through our mistakes that we grow and develop the most. While some may strive for perfection, I have always preferred to approach life with a willingness to learn from my mistakes. Every misstep is a new opportunity to learn and improve. In fact, I have found that I often learn more from my failures than from my successes. Rather than being afraid to try new things and potentially make mistakes, I embrace the challenges that come my way, recognizing that each one represents an opportunity for growth and personal development.

Any piece of advice for all the women out there?

To all the women out there who aspire to be entrepreneurs or pursue unconventional paths, I urge you to never doubt yourself on your journey. It’s possible that you may face criticism, negative opinions, and even stereotypes or biases as you forge ahead. However, it’s important to stay strong and focused on your goals, and not allow yourself to be deterred by socially ingrained gender roles. Remember that your unique perspective and talents have the potential to transform industries, create new opportunities, and inspire others to follow in your footsteps. By remaining steadfast in your pursuit of success, you can shatter barriers and prove that anything is possible.

What has been your biggest pride as a doyenne?

As someone who trains candidates to excel in their careers and ace their interviews, nothing brings me greater satisfaction than seeing the impact of my work. Each time a candidate tells me they’ve successfully navigated an interview with the help of my content, it reaffirms my commitment to my craft. Their success inspires me to put in even more hard work and effort, constantly researching new material and interacting with HR managers to better understand their expectations. Knowing that I am helping candidates secure meaningful employment and support their families fills me with a deep sense of pride and purpose. Additionally, it brings me immense joy to be regarded as one of the most beloved interview coaches in India, with a subscriber base of over 1.4 million people from around the world, across all social media platforms. I remain dedicated to my mission of helping others achieve their career goals and look forward to continuing to make a positive impact on the lives of my clients.

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