
Ways to Prevent Hypertension with Exercise and Meditation

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure is a condition related to the cardio vascular system. Dr. Manoj Kutteri, Wellness Director at Atmantan Naturals shares with you exercises and meditation to help prevent Hypertension.

Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by our heart while it pumps the blood towards the organs and also the peripheries of our body and is felt within the blood vessels. The normal blood pressure recorded is usually 120/80mmHg and this can fluctuate 10% both sides. When the blood pressure is significantly low, we call it as hypotension and when it is high, we call this condition as hypertension.

Early symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Although different people experience different symptoms when the blood pressure goes high based on the underlying causes and other pathology, there are few common symptoms that are seen generally. These are

    • Headache that usually occurs on the back side of the head

    • Heaviness in chest, upper back, neck and ears

    • Blurring of the vision of pain behind the eyes

    • Generalized fatigue and confusions

    • Chest pain if it is long standing hypertension and when pressure goes very high

    • Irregularity in heart beats

    • Difficulty in breathing or chest congestion

    • Disturbed sleep or insomnia

    • Blood in the urine when there is renal involvement also

Exercises to control Hypertension

Regular physical activity certainly makes our hearts stronger. Cardiovascular exercises help to increase exercise tolerance and thereby improves cardiovascular endurance. The various exercise that are good for preventing high blood pressure are walking, swimming, jogging, hiking, dancing, treadmill, cycling, and other functional training activities. An active lifestyle is “the solution” to better heart health and improves its functions. Various exercises are also known to increase the levels of Nitric Oxide in the body which is responsible for keeping blood vessels dilated.

Depending on the stages of hypertension there are few of the exercises that are contraindicated as well. So, it is important to seek advice from an expert if you are in stage 2 hypertension before you get into a routine.

Yoga and cooling pranayama are highly effective in reducing the blood pressure and also to reduce the core temperature during this scorching summer. There are various yoga practices such as Uttanasana, Katichakrasana, Sethubandhasana, Bhugangasana, Vipareethkarani, Yogamudra, Shashankasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana etc are quite useful. Cooling pranayamas such as Nadishudhi pranayama, Chandranuloma pranayama, Sheetali, Sheethkari and Brahmari are also highly beneficial. Taking plenty of liquids are also beneficial to manage the excess body heat.

Cold head shower, cold compresses to head, body scrubs with normal salt 30-45 minutes of cardio such as brisk walking or stretching, sunbath are also helpful in preventing Hypertension.

Meditation and Hypertension

A number of studies have shown the benefit of meditation in lowering blood pressure. This mind-body practice is shown to promote deep relaxation and helps to manage blood pressure. With the regular practice of meditation, you may be able to boost your body’s defense against respiratory illnesses, heart disease, stroke, digestive issues and chronic kidney disease. The practice of self-contemplation focuses on calming down the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (known to constrict the blood vessels in response to stress) and increase activity in the parasympathetic nervous system (known to relax the blood vessels).

Having a good night sleep is extremely beneficial in relaxing the sympathetic system. A balance in sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system is utmost important in preventing high blood pressure and at the same time boosting immunity.

Stress management techniques are also beneficial. This would include breath awareness meditation, body walk meditations, music meditations, chanting, etc.

Other preventive measures to take to control Hypertension

Hypertension may occur due to improper physical and mental routines and dietary habits. And due to this irregular lifestyle and added stress in our society, we see a hypertensive tendency in much earlier ages in life. A disciplines routine in the early age helps to bring a radical change in body, mind, and consciousness. It also regularizes a person’s biological clock, aids digestion, absorption, and assimilation, and generates self-esteem, discipline, peace, happiness, and longevity. After the age of 40, we usually see the tendency for essential hypertension among people who have not adopted these healthy routines in their early life.

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