
Breast Cancer Prevention: How to Reduce your Risk

Though there are several risk factors when it comes to breast cancer but the most important thing is to be alert about breast cancer detection. Dr. Deepali Gonjari, Breast Surgeon, Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital tells you some of the steps that can lower your risk of getting a Breast Cancer.

Cancer is the most common cause of death noticed in women. Although treatments have improved, prevention and quick detection can have the greatest impact on reducing the burden of cancer in women. Many factors throughout a lifetime can influence your breast cancer risk that include family history, reproductive past, nutrition, alcohol use, weight, hormone use, and radiation exposure. It is also necessary to point out that in some cases women who develop breast cancer do not have any of these risk factors and so it is crucial to discuss with a doctor if there are any symptoms. The following are some of the steps that can take to lower your risk:


Obesity is a common cause for several diseases, including diabetic and cancer. Obesity can be more serious than imagine that lead to several dangerous illnesses. It is important to follow a proper healthy diet and regular exercise habit that can benefit lessen obesity and lead a healthy life.

Eat a healthy, stable diet

It is believed that good diet can help prevent cancer, including breast cancer, and can prevent the disease’s progression or recurrence. A preventative diet that includes five to eight meals of fruits and vegetables each day, a raise in omega-3 fatty acids, and limits excessive refined sugars and fats is important. There are also some cancer-fighting meals like broccoli, cabbage, kale, watermelon and whole grains that are helpful if consumed regularly.

Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

Regular drinking and smoking can increase the risk of breast cancer. Avoiding drinking alcohol and smoking is the best thing one can do for the overall such diseases. It is recommended to restrict yourself to less than one drink per day as even small quantities increase the risk of illness.


Breastfeeding plays a crucial role in the prevention of breast cancer. It is noticed that women who avoid breastfeeding can see a high risk of breast cancer in their life. This is because of hormone imbalances that can lead to an increase in hormones that can cause cancer.

Avoid Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills have both risks and advantages. The younger you are, the lower the risks. However, women taking birth control tablets, they have a slightly high chance of breast cancer. This risk goes away immediately after discontinuing the pill. The risk of stroke and heart attack is also possible even though on the pill especially if a woman smoke. Nevertheless, long-term use can also have major benefits, like reducing the risk of ovarian, colon and uterine cancer and unwanted pregnancy, so there’s also a lot in its favour.

Consult a doctor

Tests and diagnosis are important if it comes to illnesses such as breast cancer, an early diagnosis can save your life. Women having symptoms with breast cancer should get frequently check. Even if you do not have any symptoms getting tested every few months/years is necessary. If you notice any differences in your breasts, such as a lump or skin changes then it is suggested to consult a doctor.

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