
Hone a skill, develop a hobby all in a year

Start a new hobby, learn something new every month. Make small changes to achieve your developmental goals.

GlobalSpa brings to you 12 new hobbies that you could develop in the New Year. Take a look and pick that best suits your personality.

1.) DIY

Do It Yourself is a great concept that has emerged recently. If you are living alone and thing certain things in your home need changes, then why not do it on your own. From fixing your home, to stitching or make presents for your friends on their special days, learn a new skill in the upcoming month you shall feel the great sense of achievement. There are a lot of DIY tutorials that you could watch and learn.

2.) Learn Cooking

With YouTube becoming a huge deal today, we all have that hidden MasterChef in us that is craving for some spaghetti Bolognese or Thai fish curry or for coconut panna cotta for those with a sweet tooth. Invest in ingredients and learn how to cook your favourite meals from the best in the culinary world. This way you can make your own cheat meals whenever you want.

3.) Volunteer for a Cause

Social work is a great deal to calm yourself and indulge in activities that you like. If you have a long weekend or a day off with the help of social media find out what all events are happening in and around your city. Volunteer for homeless animals, children’s education, pick a cause that interests you, you could help someone and make a difference.

4.) Develop Writing Skills

Writing is an activity that might not need a huge monetary investment but the ROI would indeed be worth it. Develop your own writing style, write a diary or a poem or start with a simple blog or a song and any topic of your interests. This would definitely calm your mind and help improve concentration.

5.) Learn a Language

31 days is a substantial time to learn the basics of a new language. In today’s time we are so busy with our lives that many things have taken a back seat. We all might have had a desire to learn a language whether French, German or Russian. Download online podcasts or tutorials and this would develop your skills and improve communication and you shall be a step ahead.

6.) Play an Instrument

It has been proved that music is a therapeutic tool. It helps improve concentration, body movement, can fight fatigue and reduces depression. Listening to your favourite music helps reduce negativity and anger. Whether vocal or any instrument you can pick what you like, perhaps something you wanted to learn as a child but never found time for it then.

7.) Practice Meditation

In this upcoming year, make it a point to have time for yourself, introspect and indulge in some form of meditation and discover inner self. Meditation will definitely calm your mind from the everyday struggles of our lives and help find inner peace. There can be nothing more rewarding than getting rid of all negativity and stress.

8.) Develop Photography Skills

As the popular idiom says, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Create memories with photography, record and share with your family and friends on social media. In today’s time, one might not invest in high-end DSLR’s as modern smartphones can fulfil the task of any DSLR with panoramic and portraits modes. Irrespective of the smartphone brand, it is a guarantee that you will have amazing photos only if you aim for it.

9.) Consider Travelling

This is the right time to prepare your own bucket-list. Open up your horizons, come out of your comfort zone and head to a destination of your choice. Road trips can be a great healer. The road gives you a perspective. Even if you are travelling solo don’t worry you can enjoy the journey as its rightly said, “It’s not the destination but the journey that matters.”

10.) Indulge in Zumba

We all have bad days, days that make us down, lethargic and make us wonder this day never happened. To come out of that zone, Zumba works perfectly well. The positive ambience, music and a chance to interact with strangers make this an activity worth trying. This Latin-inspired dance form is primarily for weight management, body toning etc to give you an adrenaline push.

11.) Gardening is Therapeutic

Gardening is not only a fun and relaxing activity but it is also a way to come close to nature along with its health benefits. This activity is not restricted to a certain age group, anyone from children to adults can indulge in it. Gardening helps in reducing many health problems like heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes.

12.) The Art of Calligraphy

This art form can be both relaxing and enjoyable. Calligraphy is a creative and an ideal way to bring out that Picasso and Dali in us. It’s not high on pockets and one can develop skills easily. One can develop his/her own style as well as it requires patience, an inclination towards learning and attention to detail.

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