
You Can’t Escape these 5 Bath & Body Tricks

Every season demands a new skin-care and wellness routine. Summer needs more hydration, whereas winter needs more moisturizing. Mansi Chowdhary, Director, Body Cupid tells you what our skin demands during this monsoon season.

1.) Three, two, one- Exfoliate

It has been a long summer and our skin very well knows how to soak in the debris and clog pores by itself thereby forming dead skin scales and flakes leaving it dry, which is why one must scrub to exfoliate and start off their monsoon skin-check right.

2.) Shower glory

Showers, without a doubt, are a daily beauty and wellness check routine however; the temperature of it must vary according to the seasons that well suit one’s body. Yes, nothing is as relaxing as a hot shower during monsoon but it is a lukewarm shower that one must take to sustain the natural oils that keeps a skin moisturized.

3.) Seal moisture 101

Post a wash whether it’s a face wash or a body wash, the best way to seal that moisture during this fluctuating weather, is to include water based and less oil based lotion or serum.

4.) Time for some AroMagic

The onsets of monsoon bring humidity too, and to cut-off the odour which comes along with it due to our sweat glands, one must be impromptu and indulge in self-care beauty essential oils which have flora and fauna fragrance notes. Not only are they aromatic but also it brings the goodness of unadulterated nature with it.

5.) The Oil and the Shower

If moisturizing isn’t your go-to after a shower, how about pre-scheduling it to a during-shower or a pre-shower course? Adding a few drops of oils, essential oils, to the water or even rubbing the oil mixed with carrier oil onto your skin before getting in a shower gives you a levy of moisturizing post shower.

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