
Step Out Without Skin Damage This Holi

The perfect skincare guide to help you play Holi with absolutely no jitters.

Having second thoughts about playing Holi because of skin concerns? Understandably, given the harmful chemicals which are present in the colors and the havoc they create on our skin. The colours contain harmful chemicals such as metals, acid, mica, glass powder, and hazardous alkalis, etc. These chemicals with the sun exposure wreak havoc to one’s skin and hair. Well, worry no more! Here’s how you can make the most of this Holi, your skin stress-free and damage-free:

Opt for organic colours: It’s not fair to have fun at the cost of our dear mother nature. Opting for organic colours will not only help the environment but also your precious skin! Organic colours are made up of environment friendly ingredients like flowers and leave, unlike artificial colours which contain harmful chemicals like mica, lead, and even mercury. Organic colours diminish the skin damage to a great extent and let you have a colourful experience in Holi.

Rub ice cubes on your face before stepping out: Getting your face smeared in colours is inevitable in Holi. And we all have got the colours sunk into our pores which lasts for days or even weeks. To avoid that, it is best to rub some ice on your face for about 10 minutes to shrink the pores.

Don’t forget to apply an effective sunscreen: When it comes to skincare, it is best and safe to go for organic products. Apply an effective organic sunscreen of SPF30 or more before stepping out to play Holi. Make sure that you cover all the exposed parts of your body like your face, neck, and hands. This will make sure that you don’t get sunburns or any kind of skin irritation.

Apply an effective face oil: Oiling your skin with organic essential oils like lemongrass, jasmine essential oils mixed with base oils like grapeseed or jojoba or face serums with ingredients like saffron and turmeric, is a great way to mitigate the effects of harmful colours on your skin. The thick layer of oil creates a barrier between your skin and the colours and it is also easier to wipe off the colours later. Oils are also good for treating skin allergies or skin irritation. Post Holi, you can also use oil to take off that last remaining layer of colour that just won’t go away no matter how many times you have washed your face. Use olive or coconut oil on a cotton ball to gently take the remaining oil off.

Protect your lips with a soft and buttery lip balm: It is equally important to take care of your lips during Holi. Coating your lips with a nice organic buttery lip balm is a must. It will prevent them from drying and the colours will not enter the lines of your lips.

Keep away from facewashes and soaps: Soaps or facewashes can be severely harmful to your skin as the chemicals present in them can wipe off the alkalis from your face. Instead, go for mild organic face cleansers which have the goodness of saffron, daisy flower and lemon, which go easy on your skin. Also, stay away from scrubbing your face post Holi.

Apply an organic or a homemade skin mask: Pamper your skin with organic face masks which contain the goodness of natural ingredients like olives oil, clove essential oil etc. and provide your skin with all the nutrition it requires. You can also make masks out of ingredients that are present in every Indian household.

Moisturize your skin thoroughly: Do not forget to moisturize your skin with a light organic moisturizer. Look for moisturizers that contain tamarind seed extracts and essential oils. The harsh colors snatch all the moisture from your skin and leave it feeling dry and patchy. The moisturizer ensures that the moisture of your skin is locked and heals your skin from any kind of damage.
We wish you the warmest Holi filled with joy, laughter, and good health.

Disclaimer: This article is authored by Rahul Agarwal, Founder and CEO, Organic Harvest. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not represent those of GlobalSpa.

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