
The Power of Sound


Sound Therapy plays an important role in natural healing techniques.

Sound Therapy uses sound, music and specialist instruments played in therapeutic ways, combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing.


According to Anoopama Mukerjee Lohana, the founder of the Shoonyam Sound Temple, Today, all that we term, as ‘Alternative’ Healing was once the normal way to live in rhythm with Mother Earth, Nature, Elements and even the Cosmos. We existed in Tune, as One Breath and Being with Primordial Source Vibration. But somewhere along the way the human generation is getting devoid of life-forces that create, nourish, sustain and hold us through this journey called life.


The fact that sound affects the health of the mind and body is not new. Sound or vibrational energies have been honoured and practised since the timeless civilisations as one of the most natural forms of healing. Given the recent interest in mind-body-consciousness medicine and holistic lifestyle choices, it’s not surprising that this ancient tradition is seeing a modern-day popularity.


The prolong law of physics tells us that everything around us vibrates, whether or not we hear it everything has a sound, a vibration that acts as a healing character and that subtle sound is called resonance, the frequency at which an object naturally vibrates. Sound therapy aims to understand and heal any disease in mind body or in your consciousness. The waves of melody, harmonics and notes of Sound Healing instruments encourage the brain to move into deep Alpha, Theta and Delta frequencies, inducing a receptive, meditative state. The vibrations create ripples in our body’s waters and flow through our tissues and organs, to resonate into our cellular memory, releasing physical, mental, emotional and karmic toxins.


As this awareness and intrigue for Sound and Energy Healing grows globally, a wide range of Healing Sounds unveil themselves and Sound Therapy is gaining popularity as both a preventative medicine and as a complement to mainstream treatments.


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