
Walking for Complete Wellbeing

Whether it’s a stroll through your local park, power walks to kick start your day, or a brisk walk to the grocery store, walking is the most accessible, inexpensive and flexible activity to incorporate into your daily routine. Here’s how to use it to your full advantage.

Given the times we are currently living in, the emphasis on the complete wellbeing of mind, body, and soul has never been a bigger priority than it is now; with physical activity being the most recommended solution for holistic wellness.

According to the World Health Organization, the ill effects of mental health conditions in adults and adolescents can be reduced globally by 15% just by increasing physical activity. Additionally, the organization also mentioned that physical inactivity is amongst the top 10 leading risk factors in global mortality. Therefore, when it comes to getting those endorphins rushing, the possibilities are endless – from live-streamed yoga and meditation classes to the latest that is home workout. With that said, there is one unsung hero that can have a significant impact on both your mental and physical health which is walking.

Apart from the obvious benefits of weight loss, muscle gain and improved metabolism, it does wonders for your cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness. If done regularly and diligently, a 30-minute walk could reduce the risk of a stroke or heart disease, improves blood pressure and helps in controlling high cholesterol and diabetes.


While the effectiveness of walking for physical fitness is well documented, its benefits to mental health are still constantly being unearthed.

Walking is the perfect trigger to release the ‘feel-good’ chemicals such as oxytocin and serotonin in the brain which helps combat stress, anxiety and induces a more relaxed state of mind. In a state of mindfulness, it can also help boost creativity and functioning of the brain as well as improves sleep.

Here are a few ways you can incorporate walking effectively into your daily routine while reaping maximum benefits from the activity.


To get the most out of a walk, you need about 30 minutes of mild to moderate-intensity walking. While 30 minutes may not seem like much, it’s enough to get your heart rate going and build a comfortable momentum. You could also start with 10 minutes a day, for a week just to get into a routine and build stamina.


Comfortable footwear, clothes, and accessories lead to an increased focus on the activity which is crucial to get the maximum benefit. Avoiding the risk of injuries is a key aspect of any physical activity. A comfortable walk can be an instant stress buster and reliever.


Make walking a part of your everyday to-do list. Set a reminder or an alarm for a time that is most convenient for you and start your commitment. It takes anywhere between three to four weeks to form a habit, so remember, to start simple and be patient with yourself. There are multiple apps on the Play Store and the App Store that can help you imbibe this habit seamlessly.


Going for a walk with friends or family members creates a perfect environment for positive and fruitful social interactions. Combining physical activity with a social interface can be a fulfilling experience. Getting a person or a group to tag along is multiplying and extending the benefits of walking towards building a fitter community.


Walking amidst nature is peaceful and blissful and can be a healing experience for many. Fresh air, birds chirping, and observing trees and plants make it an enriching experience. Studies suggest that daily walking is incredibly beneficial for your mind – particularly if you can do it in a nice, green location. One can plan walking expeditions and explore different locations to make this exercise more than just a physical fitness routine.


We’re lucky to live in an era where we have the technology to support our every need. Keeping a track on your step count with an app on your mobile phone or a fitness tracking gadget is a great motivator to stick to your commitment and achieve the health benefits from your daily walk. Every achievement, whether big or small deserves a reward, and tracking your progress is a great way to do so.

The great thing about walking is that it doesn’t require any special training, it is only important to be comfortable, stretch, warm-up and you’re good to go. With absolutely no discrimination when it comes to age or fitness level, walking truly is the perfect way to reset and recharge.

Disclaimer: This article is authored by Shivjeet Ghatge, Co-founder & CEO of StepSetGo, India’s first fitness application that encourages users to walk more, stay fit, and in return, get rewarded. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not represent those of GlobalSpa.

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