
Quit stressing, Start stretching – Yoga to combat Anxiety & Stress

While a little amount of anxiety is pretty ordinary, the real worry arises when this fright starts becoming persistent and so menacing that it might hinder with our everyday life. These circumstances of nervousness and dread certainly need to be treated and this is precisely where yoga movements can impart a helping hand. Shalini Bhargava, Fitness Expert & Director at JG’S Fitness Centre tells you exactly how.

All of us must have tackled stress at some point in our day to day life, the anxiety of our very first job interview, an examination or the results of the same, we all have lived through these stressful incidents. When we sit and sum up all the life occasions which cause us unwanted, fear, anxiety and stress, there is certainly a probability that we may lose sum total. If we start calculating all those instances in life when we experienced these sentiments, we may just lose count!

Breather from anxiety and stress is now only a yoga practise away. But one must also keep in mind that yoga single-handedly cannot be considered as the one and only anxiety cure, the same has to be accompanied by proper therapeutic assistance.

How yoga exercises to aid in getting over anxiety?

Performing yoga on a regular basis and steady basis can surely help you in remaining calm and tranquil in your day to day life, and can also advance you the power to face nerve-wracking dealings without getting anxious. Numerous yoga asanas and poses have aided patients suffering from depression recuperate and face life with optimism and strength.

Mentioned below are a few yoga techniques that can aid you to soothe a worried mind and benefit in releasing anxiety naturally.

Perform Yoga asanas and release any kind of unwanted mental strain

Yoga postures like Hasta padasana (Standing Forward Bend), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), Matsyasana (Fish Pose, Sirsasana (Headstand), Janu Shrisasana (One-legged forward bend), Shavasana (Corpse Pose), Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Marjariasana (Cat Stretch) Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose), and Paschimottanasana (Two-Legged Forward Bend) can simplify in attaining a healthy and happy connection between body and mind. Yoga poses help to release negativity and strain from one’s system. One must note that at the end of the yoga asana, you need to lie down in Yoga Nidra to impart your body and mind a couple of minutes of through meditation. The technique is advantageous in eliminating body pollutants, a primary cause of stress, from the system.

Pranayamas to relieve anxiety and breath right

Focusing on the right kind of breathing can support to free the mind of the unnecessary chaos of mental state that breed anxiety. Mentioned below are the breathing practices can be of great help:

  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Nadi Shodhan Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
  • Kapal Bhati Pranayama (Skull-Shining Breathing technique)
  • Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath)

Meditate to revel in the gift of a peaceful mind

Meditation and solicitous contemplation can be an extraordinary technique to pacify an unclear mind and offer you a sense of being calm and peaceful. Everyday meditation can also make you aware of how your mind works to keep you involved in petty and small things around. We are all conscious of the word ‘adrenaline rush.’ This normally happens when we get too anxious about a probable hazard. For instance, while we sit on an adventurous ride, our intensities of adrenaline hormone go higher, causing our heart to beat at a much faster rate, instigating the muscles to become edgy and our body to sweat profusely. Regular meditation practice can help significantly shorten the level of this stress hormone.

For those ailing from stretches of stress, yoga can undoubtedly be a lifeline. Yoga can absolutely still anxiety holistically.

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