
Chloe Qureshi Opens Up About Her Journey with Arhatic Yoga and Pranic Healing

The Arhatic Yoga practitioner shares the physical and mental health benefits of the discipline

Yoga comes in many shapes and forms. This International Yoga Day, we spoke to yoga practitioners from diverse backgrounds to find out more about the various yoga disciplines around the world.

A creative entrepreneur, Pranic Healer, and Arhatic Yoga practitioner, Chloe Qureshi believes in connecting with the mind, body, and soul through her practice. Arhatic Yoga is a highly advanced spiritual technology that accelerates the evolution of the soul. ‘Arhatic’ comes from the word ‘Arhat’, which refers to a highly evolved being. ‘Yoga’ means union and refers to the union of the personality and the soul. It is a synthesis of yoga techniques including powerful meditations, character building and breathing techniques integrated into an easy step-by-step system to rapidly and safely accelerate your spiritual development. Arhatic Yoga encompasses Hatha Yoga & Pranayam (for breathing exercise), Bhakti Yoga (for Twin Hearts), Raja Yoga (for Higher Soul), Kundalini Yoga (for Inner Breath), Zen (for Dhyan), Karma Yoga ( for Service and Tithing), and Jnana Yoga (for Study).

We sat down with Chloe Qureshi to find out more about her journey with Arhatic Yoga and pranic healing.

When did you start practising Arhatic Yoga and how did it change your outlook towards life?

Chloe Qureshi: My journey started with Pranic Healing many years ago as my friend and spiritual mentor Mr. Melwyn Dsouza had started implementing it in our lives. We all were beyond ecstatic to see the abundantly beautiful results. It amazed me what energy could do and I began realising that I was always spiritually inclined at the beginning of last year, which finally marked the start for me going on my path. I’m at a preparatory stage in my journey with Arhatic Yoga.

Needless to say, transitioning into Arhatic Yoga as a practice has changed life completely for me. The deeper spiritual techniques taught at this stage in Pranic Healing contribute considerably to easing our much afflicted mental and emotional bodies, which in turn stabilise the physical body to a great degree, bringing in clarity, peace, calm, and quiet—something we all crave. Wherever conducted, these practices have uplifted my energies along with the energies of the people around me.

What are some unique physical and mental health benefits of practising Arhatic Yoga?

Chloe Qureshi: On the mental health front, techniques practised in AY have quieted my mind to a great degree. I find it much easier to process my own thoughts as I tackle the various thought forms that we collect in our aura all day long as we weave through work, home, and life. As most of the random thoughts are flushed out of the system during these practices, it gives me more time to connect with my core, generate my own thoughts, and formulate an enhanced connection to the self.

On the emotional front, the practice of AY helps in flushing out unwanted thought forms and we correspondingly process less, so there are fewer emotions to be dealt with. This makes me go through the day being more grounded and less reactive.

AY also has a brilliant effect on the physical body, which can be seen in the form of a balanced appetite, improved sleep patterns, a certain lightness, agility, lesser to no aches and pains, and overall renewed physical performance.

How has your journey been with Pranic Healing?

Chloe Qureshi: Pranic Healing has helped a great deal in all my spiritual aspirations and also in my search for insight and wisdom. It has brought a sense of meaning and peace as well as a great deal of faith, hope, and compassion in me. It has improved my spiritual well-being and intelligence. AY as a part of my daily life has made me understand that we have an excellent and simplistic everyday tool in our hands to change and tweak ourselves on the inside, which greatly impacts our lives on the outside. The meditations are definitely getting deep and intense with time as we keep shedding more and more, revealing the core self.

What is your wellness mantra?

Chloe Qureshi: Live Laugh Love.

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