
10 Natural Supplements for a Good Night’s Sleep

A good night’s sleep can solve anything. Whether it’s headache, body ache, fever, or even sadness.

A good sleep makes you feel better and is essential for your health, too. It makes your body and brain function properly, memorize better, think better and get the creative juices flow.

But what to do when you happen to find yourself wide awake at night. This is when natural aid will come in handy to save you from the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Here are 10 handpicked natural supplements that will improve your sleep quality as well as quantity.

1.) Kava

Kava, the natural herb also known as kava-kava, is used as a natural remedy to cure stress, anxiety, and insomnia. It has been used by South Pacific Islanders for several years as a ceremonial drink for its calming nature. It calms your mind and body, and when you are relaxed, you eventually get sleepy. Kava is said to be rich in Kavalactones which makes the herb sedative and thus promotes sleep.

2.) Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is another herb used as a natural remedy to cure anxiety and insomnia. It is widely. Being abundant in the antioxidant apigenin makes the herb so calming and healing. It’s used as an alternative to black and green tea to drink at night. It lacks caffeine, improves sleep quality, and also prevents the risk of heart diseases and cancer.

3.) Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm, originally known as Melissa officinalis, is a natural herb taken as a herbal tea or herbal supplement to cure anxiety and sleep disorders. The mint family herb has a mild lemony scent that is too soothing and sedative to make you fall asleep. It is scientifically proven that it relieves stress, improves mood and cognitive function. The lemon balm extract is often taken with Valerian and is also used in food items for flavoring.

4.) Valerian

Valerian, officially known as Valeriana officinalis, is a natural herb native to Asia and Europe to relieve stress, cure anxiety, depression, menopause, and sleep disorders. Valerian Root has been used for at least 2000 years as a traditional medicine for its sedative effect on the mind and neurological system. According to research, Valerian root can decrease the time taken to fall asleep and improve sleep quality and time.

5.) Vitex Agnus Castus

Vitex Agnus Castus, also known as Chasteberry, is a shrub native to the Mediterranean and Central Asia. Its fruits and seeds are being used for several years for medicinal purposes. It’s taken to cure insomnia and all the sleeping disturbances caused during menstrual periods and menopause. It also lifts up the mood, decreases mood swings, and eases out anxiety.

6.) Magnesium

Magnesium is the mineral present in the body to facilitate the proper functioning of the heart and brain. It is the substance, absence of which can result in muscle weakness or tiredness. The right amount of magnesium intake can calm your mind and body and cure anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Magnesium increases gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels, which is the reason behind its relaxing effect.

7.) Melatonin

Melatonin is the hormone that is already present in the human body. It’s the internal clock that determines when it’s time to sleep, and it’s not, which can mess up with the sleep routine and sleep amount. That’s why melatonin supplements are widely taken to treat insomnia, sleep disorders, and jet lag. It not just improves the sleep quality and quantity but also decreases the time takes to fall asleep.

8.) Lavender

Lavender Aromatherapy has been used for centuries as a herbal remedy to improve sleep. Lavender’s soothing smell relaxes the mind and body and makes it easier to fall asleep. The study says it increases the chances of deep sleep both in men and women.
It is widely used by keeping sachets under the pillow, smelling the oil, or even taking a hot bath with a drop of lavender essential oil in it.

9.) Glycine

Glycine, an amino acid that also acts as a neurotransmitter in the body. Glycine is also used as a natural remedy to deal with insomnia and sleep disturbances. Glycine lowers the body temperature signaling the brain to get ready for sleep. Taking Glycine just doesn’t promote sleep and makes you feel cheerful, lively, active, and energetic the following day. Its usually taken in pill or powder form but eating nutrient-rich food is a natural way.

10.) Passionflower

Passionflower, also known as Passiflora incarnata or maypop, is a popular herbal remedy native to North America. It is widely used to relieve insomnia, anxiety as well as for many medicinal purposes. Passionflower increases gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels in your brain, which signals your brain that it’s now time to sleep. When taken as a tea or extract, passionflower turns out to be more beneficial than as a supplement.

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