
World Health Day: Your Planner for Self-Love

On World Health Day (and during this lockdown) shower some love to yourself to focus towards mental health. Your own happiness and well-being should top the chart this year.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”– Buddha

This global pandemic making self-care more difficult, but more important than ever. Of all the emotions that are deeply gratifying, it is the feeling of self-love that leaves you feeling the most redeemed. You have been so busy, all these years, dishing out love to near and dear ones: how about giving yourself some of that love, first? Rightfully deserved and much overdue.

Self-love spells loving your body, soul, and mind. People who love themselves, place a premium on their own priorities: on what keeps them in balance and in good stead. This instantly cultivates healthy habits in your lifestyle, gets you to cultivate new hobbies, weed out the negativity and radiates your positivity within your family instantly.

Move aside guilt pangs and misgivings about being self-centred. The learning lies in making time for your own self, your needs and wants in balance with doing things selflessly for others. You probably brushed aside #selflove #selfcare as a millennial tag, willingly getting sucked up into the constant whirlwind of social interaction, kids’ demands, and work commitments. But pause for a moment and dip deep within. Self-love is about giving yourself that unconditional love and compassion, without seeking it from others. By loving yourself, you instantly relieve yourself of that sense of validation and approval you seek from others, the pressure of expectations…empowering yourself with the desire to celebrate who you are, with your imperfections. Because no one is perfect.

It begins by enjoying your own company. Make time to bond with your own self, not just once a week, but every day. “Often, we rely on others: family, friends, special someone, retail therapy, pets…for love. If you practice self-love, you will feel empowered without searching for approval from different quarters and depending on others to be happy,” says life coach Tripti Desai. Actress Emma Watson came forth with her candid confession about finding herself wonderfully self-partnered and happy, having taken a long time to arrive at this state of self-understanding and bliss. Learn to stay self-positive and say Yes to yourself.

Desist from being self-critical. “We tend to be tough on our own selves, in fitness, in will power, in making headway in our careers…the list of comparisons we come up with mentally is endless,” says Tamannah Singh, a psychiatrist. “We tend to forgive others more easily than we forgive ourselves for goofing up. Being human to your own self makes all the difference. It is fine to make mistakes.” You must be willing to unlearn and relearn. Learn to be kind to your own self. It begins by taking the social media lives of people at face value. Never feel undermined in confidence and achievements by the projected lifestyles in the online space.

The result is a focussed, happy you. There is only one you. Celebrate yourself. Make ‘I Love Me’ your anthem for 2020.

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