
Did you know you can manage sleep disorders through Yoga?

In the past 20 years it has been proved that sleep has always been a crucial part of curing mental illnesses. Mudit Dandwate, Co-Founder, Dozee, tells you how to manage your sleep through simple Yoga techniques.

Sleep has a powerful impact in understanding and healing mental health. An average adult requires 7-9 hours of sleep. Sleep helps one think wisely. It also boosts emotional health and improves your mood. That’s why people who don’t sleep well or enough at night are grumpier in the morning. Sleep is a cost free, soothing overnight therapy. According to research about half the number of people who have trouble falling or staying asleep use various yoga techniques to fall asleep easier. Following yoga exercises can be helpful.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra has been very useful in keeping the mind still and pushing it towards sleeping well. Yoga Nidra is a state of consciousness between waking up and falling asleep. It is the “going to sleep” stage and it is ordinarily coaxed by guided meditation. It helps the person practicing it to be completely relaxed, become systematically and increasingly aware of their inner self and concentrate on the positive thoughts by following a certain set of verbal instructions. This technique does not only promote deep sleep but also help you relax and rejuvenate your body in just a couple of hours.

Surya Namaskar

Surya namaskar – Salute to the sun is an asana incorporating 12 gracefully strength-oriented asanas. Surya namaskar is known to be a great cardiovascular workout the traditional way. It is best advised to do surya namaskar early morning on an empty stomach. It also helps stimulate the nervous system as a whole alongside making the body flexible and helping stretch the muscles and tone the body. Since Surya namaskar uses all the muscles of your body it tires it out hence making it easier for our body to fall asleep easily at night. Tiring of the body due to vigorous exercise and sleep are very much co-dependent.

Lying Butterfly

Lie on the ground on your back. Press the bottoms of your feet against each other and let your knees fall out to the sides. You can put a pillow under your knees if this feels too strenuous. This helps your body and back relax while regulating blood flow in the blood flow in the body. Pay attention to your body and then slowly shift focus on your breaths, let all of your thoughts drift away and be present in the moment. If you still have trouble staying focused play some meditative music or affirmations in the background. These also help your mind think positively.

Untreated, undiagnosed insomnia puts adults at risk of accidents, falls and a lower quality of life. And it is important to develop healthy sleeping habits for your future self now. In a study published recently in the journal ‘Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine’, it has been proven that people who practice yoga have significantly noticed changes in their sleep patterns, sleep quality, sleep duration and sleep efficiency.

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