
Holistic Guide For Your Hair Growth

One of the biggest nightmares for people in today’s times is ‘hair fall’. Dr. Neena Sharma, M.D in Ayurveda and Founder & R&D Director of Neem Ayu explains the ayurvedic science behind hair fall and how one can take holistic care of the hair.

Hair fall, Alopecia or Khalitya as per Ayurveda, occurs when there is an imbalance in the doshas in the body, which impacts the bone health, lymph and skin of the body. According to Ayurveda, hair health depends upon the balance of the three doshas – Kapha, pitta, vata, and the health of the asthi dhatu (bone) and rasa dhatu (lymph). Ayurvedic solutions to prevent hair fall and get new hair/ hair growth helps in creating a balance between all the elements by following a proper routine.

There are three phases of hair growth — anagen, catagen, and telogen, during which there is growth and maturation of hair and the activity of the hair follicles that produce individual hairs. During the final or exogen phase, the “old hair” sheds, though by this time, a new hair should be ready to take its place. This is the regular hair growth cycle and it is common to lose 50-80 hair strands per day. When the rate of hair shedding is faster than rate of hair growth, balding / thinning/ receding hairline occurs.

The best and most effective, sustainable way to manage hair fall and grow new hair is to have a healthy lifestyle and a healthy hair care regime. A lifestyle of moderate physical activity, good restful sleep, a healthy balanced diet and fpractises like mindfulness help to regulate the body’s optimum functioning and are advised for healthy hair growth. A sustainable, effective regime based on ayurveda is also recommended for growing new hair.

Ayurveda has the perfect solution for promoting hair growth. Ayurvedic formulations and their correct application help in nourishing the scalp, stimulating hair follicles and rejuvenating growth. Shiroabhayanga or oil massage with a specially formulated oil (like the Neem Ayu Anti Hair Fall Oil) helps to stimulate hair follicles and improve hair shaft strength. It also helps to strengthen existing hair, thus reducing breakage, spilt ends and hair loss.

A gentle, Sulphate and Paraben free, conditioning shampoo is recommended to wash and clean the scalp and hair. Vigorous rubbing should be avoided as the friction will also lead to breakages. A shampoo like the Neem Ayu Anti Hair Fall Shampoo is ideal as it has the herbal decoctions of Bhringraja, Brahmi, Amla, Mehndi etc. which are rich in antioxidants, Vitamins and helps make the hair lustrous and strong.

To activate hair growth, it is important that the body is nourished from within and hence, adequate supplements which are rich in iron, calcium, Vitamins should be taken. The Neem Ayu Anti Hair Fall Capsule is an All Natural capsule which has herbs like Bhrinraja, Brahmi, Ashwagandha and Kalmegha (all of which are known to be kesh vardhak or beneficial for hair). These capsules can be had daily without any fear of side effects.

Basically, a good dincharya or routine or regime is necessary for healthy hair growth. There are no shortcuts here. A few other precautions to be taken include – avoid chemical products as much as possible, do not shower with very hot water, avoid blow drying and combing wet hair. Cover hair from sun damage and chlorine water as much as possible.

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