
Grooming Habits Men Forget The Most Often But Shouldn’t

Grooming for numerous men means to adopt a slap-run strategy where they drag a brush across their head, sprinkle on some face ointment and figure that their task is finished. Is it?

First things first – Men’s grooming is super important. But what does grooming even mean? It’s not just limited to taking a bath, making efforts to style an outfit or getting a haircut casually. It’s about enhancing your own appearance inside out. While there are literally a hundred different ways to do that, here are a few grooming tips by Rachit Mehra, Senior Marketing Manager of Phy.

1.) OWN-ing a signature scent

It’s no secret that fragrance has the power to make or break someone’s presence. A single whiff speaks volumes about your personality and is the one thing that enters before you and lingers after you’ve left. The right fragrance can even complement your wardrobe or upgrade an outfit. Having said that, every guy should explore the fragrance world but know his signature.

2.) Realizing that scalp care is skin care too

As with the rest of your skin, it’s important to take care of your scalp. An unhealthy scalp can lead to a host of problems including hair loss. Try incorporating one or two products like a gentle cleansing shampoo to get rid of the buildup or a deep nourishing mask to repair damage. As an added tip, don’t use products that contain sulphates or alcohol as it may make your scalp dry and prone to irritation. Don’t scrub your shampoo, should we even mention that?

3.) Matching the beard with your face shape

Whether you have a full-grown mane or you’re still growing out your beard, a light trim from time to time is a smart idea. But here’s a truth bomb: Not every beard will be flattering for you. Choosing the wrong style can make all your efforts look wasted. So, take some time out, brush up on some knowledge about your face shape and experiment from time to time to find out what looks the best on you.

PS: Don’t forget to give your mustache some attention.

4.) Keeping your best foot forward

The list of daily activities that are rough on the feet is long and by the end of it all they become tired, sweaty and funky. If you don’t pay attention to the feet it can lead to cracked heels, blisters or even fungal infections. Since there’s no way you’re going to stop moving, you instead need an ongoing plan. Don’t forget to trim your nails, wash between your toes, moisturize regularly and exfoliate frequently to keep your feet in good form. Not to mention treating yourself with a pedicure can be soothing and meditative, especially after a long day.

5.) Getting a good sleep

Grooming is not limited to just external appearance. The connection between ample, good-quality sleep and healthy skin is undeniable. It’s called ‘beauty sleep for a reason’. Try sleeping at least 7 hours and don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated. Nobody wants to wake up tired with dark circles under their eyes anyway.

Do I really have to do it?

Grooming is a mindset and what matters the most is that you follow a routine consistently. When you look great externally, you’ll be more confident, and it shows that you care about personal hygiene. But don’t do it for others, do it for yourself. Why? Because you deserve to feel your best.

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