Travel Wellness

This is why NAAD Wellness is the perfect wellness-weekend getaway for YOU

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Disconnect. Heal. Reconnect. Located just a stone’s throw away from Delhi, NAAD Wellness invites you to embark on a journey towards wellbeing that helps you tune into a sound you.

The pandemic and being confined to our home for the first time ever, has definitely taken a toll on us. And now, we are more than edgy to find an escape. As we transition into the new normal, easing into our routines with heightened precautions, the need for a sound immune system is now more pertinent than ever. We all need time to decompress, to integrate, to reflect, and to listen to our inner voice – this is what wellness-weekends are for.

Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy

A cure for the 21st century lifestyle made us go back to the 8th century. India is the birthplace of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy and recognised globally as the cradle of healing and wellness. At NAAD, their experiences have been created around these ancient ethos and overseen by their resident physicians and experts. Upon your individual wellness consultation, a guided plan will be curated which will include your therapies and your diet throughout the stay. NAAD offers various combinations of Ayurveda, Naturopathy, and Yogic therapies that work as an antidote to make your lifestyle healthier and balanced. Various Medical Packages are also offered such as Diabetes Management, Hypertension Management, PCOS Management, etc. to heal through planned and customised therapies by their qualified resident doctors.

Repose of Nature

NAAD Wellness is away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The green gardens, quiet corners, little fountains, everything instills calm and tranquility the entire time you are there. The wellness centre itself is made from natural unused stones which follow zero-waste building policy. Find yourself away from negativity in outdoor green courtyards or in the soothing music in the corridors. Practice Yoga at the outdoor Yoga Pavilion, or take a walk on yin yang Reflexology Track laden with smooth pebbles of various sizes. The feet are home to several different reflexes or nerve endings which are directly linked to our internal organs. Stimulating them through reflexology helps in healing them from within.

Himalayan Salt Caves & Hammams

NAAD has recreated the microclimate of salt caves. The Himalayan Salt Cave is based on the principle that when salt is heated, it becomes drier and kinetically more active. When these micro particles of super dry salt are inhaled into the respiratory system, they absorb and remove allergens, toxins and foreign substances in the lungs and the respiratory tract. Not only this, it enhances your mood and immunity. All you have to do is sit and breathe in the air. This is one of a kind unique experience.

The wellness centre offers another popular therapy in the world, called Turkish Hammam. The Turkish Hammam therapy at NAAD combines a cleansing and relaxing ritual, followed by the Hararet or steam room. Hammam therapy revitalises and rehydrates the skin, improves metabolism while releasing tension from the body. Submerge yourself in a feeling of wellbeing and an incredible sense of oneness with the universe.


As a wellness centre, NAAD not only focuses on the treatments and the therapies, but considers food as one of the three pillars of life which plays a major role in both prevention and cure. All meals are prepared in accordance with the tridosha style of cooking and are administered to help balance out your doshas or bioenergies. Each meal is customized according to each one of you keeping in perspective your health and medical history. Only nature’s fresh bounty is used from their neighbourhood farms and on site gardens in preparing your food.

Recreational Activities

NAAD makes physical fitness just as important as mental fitness. It houses a fitness centre, and if you are into sports, you choose whether you want to play in the tennis court or the badminton court. If you are a golf lover, there is a miniature golf present which is available to use in the night as well. There is an outdoor temperature controlled swimming pool for you to take a dip even after a yoga session. All these facilities are present to encourage physical fitness as one experiences and exudes good vibrations and is able to counter significant health issues caused by our sedentary lifestyle.

Where the word NAAD itself resonates with the awakening of your spiritual growth, your kundalini and the time when you truly begin to find yourself, you are bound to make the most of your wellness-weekend here and come back home rejuvenated and refreshed.

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