
ELE|NA Spa Offers a Blueprint for a Sustainable and Holistic Retreat

The Zen Garden is a sanctuary dedicated to the well-being of both guests and the planet

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Picture this: You start your day with a profound meditation session as the air hums whispers of calm. The rest of your day finds you contemplating mindfulness through a series of meticulously crafted transformative workshops designed to harmonise your body, and nourishment takes on a whole new meaning as you pause for a meal where each bite becomes a conscious connection to the earth. These are the glimpses of a balanced urban life as envisioned by ELE|NA Zen Garden at OZEN RESERVE BOLIFUSHI.

ELE|NA introduces an extraordinary addition to its repertoire – the ELE|NA Zen Garden at OZEN RESERVE BOLIFUSHI, an enchanting retreat adorned with an array of greenery and natural elements. Beyond its aesthetic allure, it serves as a sanctuary for sustainable workshops and embodies ELE|NA’s unwavering commitment to sustainable living and holistic well-being.

The Zen Garden: An Oasis of Tranquility

The Zen Garden serves as a gateway to holistic wellness. It beckons individuals to delve into the depths of meditation and serves as a reminder to embrace the magic of the present moment. The multiple transformative workshops are designed in a fashion that will nurture your spirit and harmonise the body. From strategies for aching backs to crafting an organic homecare haven, each workshop offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery and well-being.

Bespoke Wellness Experiences

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The workshops offer a bevy of treatments and sessions that will leave you completely rejuvenated. Ayurvedic and yogic sessions dominate the list, with various strategies and practices including a workshop on ‘Harmony for Aching Backs: Finding Solutions’, which will help elevate your spinal well-being. Delve into a comprehensive exploration of therapeutic techniques with a session on ‘Healing Touch: Therapy for the Head and Health’, or opt for a transformative sound healing session, which offers a holistic rejuvenation of mind and body.

To complete your wellness journey, the spa embraces a holistic approach to beauty with the workshop ‘Timeless Beauty: Healthy-Aging Wisdom’. Navigate through various meditation techniques in ‘Zen Serenity: A Meditation Journey’ and unlock the secrets to a resilient immune system with the ‘Nourishing Immunity: Healthy Secret Recipe’ workshop. Additionally, extend your well-being to your home environment by adopting a sustainable lifestyle through the insights gained in the ‘Organic Homecare Recipe’ workshop.

Promoting the Ethos of Wellness

Rooted in a philosophy that reveres the interconnected elements of our planet, from the land and sea to the vast oceans and delicate plant life, ELE|NA goes beyond the conventional realm of luxury spas. Actively engaging with local artisans, farmers, and manufacturers, the brand ethically sources sustainable ingredients from the surrounding areas. The recent recognition as the BEST WELLNESS HOTEL at the Travel and Leisure India Best Award 2023 for OZEN RESERVE BOLIFUSHI attests to ELE|NA’s dedication to the complete well-being of its guests and the planet alike.

A Commitment towards Sustainability

ELE|NA’s commitment to sustainability extends far beyond the reduction of carbon footprints. They are deeply devoted to protecting and restoring indigenous habitats and ecosystems surrounding their spa locations in the Maldives. As a display of their commitment to the environment, five operational spas joined Sustainable Wellness in October 2021, with the aim of preserving nature for future generations. These spas are nestled within OZEN RESERVE BOLIFUSHI, OZEN LIFE MAADHOO, OBLU SELECT Sangeli, OBLU NATURE Helengeli, and VARU By Atmosphere.

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