
After festive Detox Drinks

detox Lead

Detox drinks to help you naturally reduce inflammation, boost energy, support digestion, cleanse the liver and promote healthy skin.

Detox water is one of the most popular tools for weight loss to come around in a long time, and for great reasons. Not only can you drink detox water to lose weight, it tastes delicious and helps flush your body of toxins.

The most important part of any diet and exercise program is water. Water helps in most of the bodily functions, be it muscles or the energy production and also raises your metabolism. Just 6 to 8 glasses every day will help to keep you hydrated and keep your vital organs in their best possible health. GlobalSpa gives you list of Detox Drinks and Smoothies for your detoxing days and to refresh your body:

Charcoal Drink

Charcoal+ Lemon+ Honey

Activated charcoal is a potent natural treatment used to trap toxins and chemicals in the body, allowing them to be flushed out so the body doesn’t reabsorb them. Charcoal drink can be good options for hangover, charcoal removes toxins from liver and bloodstreams after a long night of drinking.  Lemon and honey helps in increases immunity. The main ingredient Activated charcoal works by trapping toxins and chemicals in its millions of tiny pores.


 Cucumber Detox Drink


Ginger+ Cucumber+ Mint + Lemon

Cucumbers have amazing anti-inflammatory qualities that can reduce swelling, as well as soothe and soften skin tissue. Cucumber detox drink not only detox the body but also help in reducing weight, the ginger and lemon in it helps in boosting immunity. Cucumber is an excellent source of silica, a trace mineral that strengthens the skin’s connective tissue. Cucumbers will alkalize, cleanse the skin, and release toxins from the body, all while providing the body with hydration, as cucumbers are mostly water. The Silica content helps in keeping your hair and nails strong, refresh and heal the gums and mouth, and lower uric acid levels in the body, which will keep your kidneys in shape.


Pom Detox

Pomegranate+ Lemon+ ginger

Pomegranate juice contains high amounts of vitamin C, antioxidants, and healing properties which make it ideal for cleansing the body. Lemon and ginger makes a perfect recipe for weight loss, and a dash of lemon increases the sweetness of pomegranate and ginger also adds flavours. Pomegranate juice along with some lemon-ginger juice is great for blood and liver detoxing.


Appetite Killer

Beetroot+ Carrots+ Cucumber+ Ginger

Beet juice is a powerful cleanser and highly nutritious. Appetite killer drink is made with beetroot, carrots and cucumber, ginger, and a cup of water. This appetite killer can be snack between your meals, and it fills your stomach and reduces your appetite. For long, beetroot has been known as the liver-protective food. It is a great liver cleanser and helps in flushing out all the toxins. A reddish pigment, Betalains found in certain fruits and vegetables – such as beet root, assist the body in neutralizing toxins and support the natural detoxification process.


 Golden Detox

Turmeric powder+ Ginger+ Cayenne pepper+ Lemon juice

Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory benefits and is a strong anti-oxidant. It is also a superfood which helps in increasing metabolism. The Golden detox drink with all its ingredient work together to cleanse your body. The liver uses bile to eliminate toxins; bile also rejuvenates liver cells that breakdown harmful compounds. For this reason, turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to treat digestion and liver disorders.


Fast detox

Honey+ Ginger+ Lemon juice

Lemons contain flavonoids, which are plant pigments that are known to have strong antioxidant properties. That means they help protect your cells from damage. If you are looking for instant detox, then mix honey, lemon and grate ginger in a glass of water to start your day. Lemon not only increases your metabolism but also lowers the risk of heart attacks. The enzymes present in lemon help stimulate liver functions and aid in the elimination of wastes from your body.

Note: All the above-mentioned drinks must be consumed fresh and must be stored in jars with holes for proper oxidation or it might cause bloating in the stomach. Also, people with liver and kidney problems must consult doctors before consuming the drinks.


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