
Pool to be a perfect place for exercises

Pool exercises

HIIT workouts have been a big hit among gym goers for years now, rolling out a new range of high-intensity water workouts that will help whip you into top shape.

Swimming is a great workout but this does not mean that it is the only way to exercise in the water. If you’re hydrophilic or are struggling with land workouts and mundane gym routines, we recommend spicing your workout schedule up by performing your workouts in a pool.

HIIT workouts have been a big hit among gym goers for years now, rolling out a new range of high-intensity water workouts that will help whip you into top shape.


Why HIIT in Pool

First off, the water slows down your movements so you can better your coordination. For example, if you have trouble with a single leg squat or kettlebell swing outside of the pool, you’ll be able to work on your form and execution in the water. Working out in the water also means less gravity, which leads to less impact on your joints. So you won’t wake up feeling super sore the next day. Training in water removes the eccentric action of exercises. That’s where most delayed onset muscle soreness comes from that downward phase of lifting.


Finally, it also adds constant resistance to every motion you make and in every direction. For instance, when you do a bicep curl, the downward motion works your triceps as you act against the water. So here are a few exercises you can do at the pool.



FloatFit essentially takes a classic bodyweight workout and plops it on an oversized float in the middle of a swimming pool. The circuit of exercises focuses on balancing on the board, with the targeted core points on legs, back, and arms. One can do exercises like squats, plants, V-situps, burpees, and mountain climbers with each lasting of minimum 30 seconds.


Aqua Strength

AquaStrength uses 3D designed equipment that provides equal resistance in all planes of movement. This provides a highly efficient workout for all ages and abilities. The AquaStrength program focuses on seven foundational movements including Pushing, Pulling, Hinging, Squatting, Twisting/Rotating, Lunging, and Walking/Running. AquaStrength will help to improve one’s flexibility, stability and strength (upper body, lower body and core), coordination, power, speed, and cardiovascular fitness.



A mix between water aerobics and spinning techniques, these aqua water fitness exercises are a must-try. Aqua Spin uses specially made underwater bikes to combine the benefits of spinning and aqua aerobics. Our High-Intensity Training will get you spinning hard for 45min to combat cellulite, improve blood circulation and loose up to 800cal without putting any pressure on your joints and bones.


Acquapole® & Boxing

Boxing Bag is the optimum energy-fostering training programme for the whole body: Kicks, punches, jump and varied boxing techniques strengthen the stomach, legs, and bottom. Stamina, coordination, agility, and elegance of movement, as well as command of the body, are particularly trained. Boxing Bag offers an excellent endurance workout specifically designed to shape and tone your body without straining your muscles and joints. Be ready to fight against the high resistance of the water!


So, once you’re confident or if you’re already feeling pretty fit and you’re just looking for a fun new way to challenge yourself, move on up to atleast 45-minute high-intensity (HIIT) in the pool which is said to burn upward of 500 calories a session.


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