Destinations Sustainability

Green Getaways: Explore the Best Sustainable Travel Destinations

A journey into the pioneering eco-havens that inspire sustainable travel

Green Getaways Explore the Best Sustainable Travel Destinations-Cover Image

In a world awakening to the importance of eco-conscious travel, the GlobalSpa Awards spotlight destinations that have committed to sustainable tourism. The ‘Favorite Sustainable Destination’ category brings together an impressive lineup of nominees that exemplify the harmonious coexistence of natural beauty and responsible travel.

These nominations inspire travelers who seek not just adventure but also the opportunity to leave a positive impact on the planet. As we cast our votes for our ‘Favorite Sustainable Destination’, we celebrate these eco-havens for their dedication to preserving the Earth’s treasures while offering unforgettable experiences for mindful travelers. Explore these destinations, and you’ll find that sustainability and wanderlust can go hand in hand, creating a brighter, greener future for travel.

Nominations for ‘’Favorite Sustainable Destination’

1. Ras Al Khaimah

2. Maldives

3. Monaco

4. Germany

5. Austria

6. Bhutan

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