
Quality over Quantity-Rachel Goenka

GlobalSpa gets in a conversation with Rachel Goenka, CEO & Founder of The Chocolate Spoon Company and author of ‘Adventures with Mithai’ (her debut recipe book about 50 original recipes of Indian classics with a modern twist) on everything from her journey, and her support system, to work-life balance, and pregnancy.

1.) Starting off, how did The Chocolate Spoon Company come about? What was the inspiration behind it?

I have always wanted to be independent of my family’s business, The Indian Express Newspaper Group. Although I did study journalism for my passion for writing as opposed to resting on the laurels of my father and great-grandfather. I wanted to set up my own business from the start and do something that combined my passion for food and writing. My husband has always been my inspiration. He is one of the most hardworking people I know and is a perfectionist to boot. He is a meticulous workaholic but still balances that beautifully with his role as a father. He constantly pushes me to better myself every day and I think more women need men like that in their lives. Men who push them to be independent and have a mind of their own. It was actually he who encouraged me to pursue my love for food and turn that into what the company is today.

2.) What are some challenges you’ve had to face throughout your journey and how did you combat them?

The first few years after becoming a restaurateur were tough as I was young and trying to find my footing. The hospitality industry was always a male-dominated industry. However, with time, more and more women are becoming chefs, restaurateurs and entrepreneurs and are actually leading all men teams. The dynamics have changed. Men and women treat each other as counterparts and there’s no longer this notion of an all-boys club. In fact, a lot of my industry male colleagues are encouraging more women to explore roles that were previously only dominated by men. Having said that, I don’t think there has been a bigger challenge than navigating 2020. Dealing with the economic impact that the pandemic has had has really tested our resolve as entrepreneurs. It’s going to take a while before we bounce back 100% but we are slowly and steadily getting back on our feet.

3.) Talking about the art of work-life balance, what do you think are the most essential steps towards achieving the perfect balance?

I don’t think there’s a right answer here. It’s more about what works for an individual and everyone has a different family setup. I am lucky as I have a village to help me raise my child (soon children). I am blessed with a great support system that allows me to focus on work. When I am at home, I switch off and dedicate that time to my son. Quality over quantity is more important when it comes to spending time with your kids. My husband and I are always trying to do something new and fun with our son Kabir. We religiously go on our Sunday vintage car drives since cars are something the whole family is obsessed with. It’s also super important to take time out for yourself. My husband and I ensure we still have our date nights and social life but it’s always after Kabir goes to bed. On a regular basis, Karan and I go for a 5k walk every day and that’s our time together to put our phones away and we just talk. We both have started to prioritize our fitness, so doing it together is a great way to stay fit and spend time together. Having a routine, therefore, is paramount. Not just for your kids but for yourself as well.

4.) With pregnancy, how do you manage to keep your best foot forward in every endeavor?

Haha. I don’t think I have my best foot forward. There are days when I feel I have it together and days where I feel things are falling apart. Like I mentioned, having a routine is so important. Waking up at the same time, going to bed at the same time. Dedicating time to work, my son, my workouts and then a little bit of me-time. The more organized you are, the more in control you will be. Also, I find keeping myself busy has really helped. I’m not one of those people who can sit still.

5.) What all changes have you experienced during your pregnancy and how have you dealt with them? Example- skin concerns, comfortable fashion, etc.

Thankfully this pregnancy has been kinder to me in terms of skin concerns and weight gain. I have also been a lot more disciplined in this pregnancy than I was in my last. Plus, I feel the second time around you are a lot more aware of what your body needs and what you need to do to look after yourself. Eating right is so important and as much as it is a huge weakness for me, I try and stay away from sugar. Dark chocolate has been my savior! Sugar is one thing that can wreak havoc with your system, whether gestational diabetes or acne and breakouts and of course weight gain. Instead, I try to eat a lot of fruits like apples and berries. Opt for fruits that are not high in sugar. I occasionally will make bliss balls but those are also quite calorie dense even though they are healthy so I consume those sparingly. I eat a high protein and low carb diet for the most part and exercise twice a day.

Moisturize as much as possible. Your skin tends to get drier during pregnancy so cold press coconut oil is a great moisturizer after a shower. Your skin just sucks it up! Also, I would recommend Bio-Oil for any stretch mark concerns.

As far as fashion is concerned, I have been using everything in my wardrobe. I am actually enjoying the pregnancy because I can wear bodycon dresses and skirts and show off my bump! You will be surprised at the amount of stuff that you already have in your wardrobe that can be used during pregnancy. My only advice would be to invest in maternity jeans, workout tights and maternity bras. Other than that there is a lot of mix and match one can do from their existing wardrobe. Dresses are great options- the more fitted the better so opt for anything that creates an empire waist (or use a belt), bodycon dresses, or shift dresses. Avoid anything that has a lot of fabric since it will always make you look bigger than you are.

6.) As someone who’s always on the go, what’s next for Rachel Goenka?

I honestly was hoping to finish my second book before baby no 2 arrived but that is something that I will have to put on hold for later this year. We recently launched House of Mandarin at the Sheraton Grand in Pune and will be launching our first Sassy Cafe concept in BKC sometime in April/May. We are also in the process of developing some very interesting delivery only brands so yes, there is a lot happening.

7.) Lastly, any advice for aspiring mompreneurs and entrepreneurs?

Plan, Plan, Plan! Don’t take being organized with your day for granted. I read Stephen Covey’s “The 7 habits of highly effective people” when I was in high school and I swear by the principles of that book. Prioritizing is a game changer!

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