
Celebrating the Doyenne: Yashi Tank

“For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.” ~ Virginia Woolf. On this International Women’s Day, GlobalSpa recognizes and celebrates the women in the industry as we delve into their success mantra they follow, mistakes that have helped them grow, and of course, their WELLNESS philosophy.

Yashi Tank is a Digital Content Creator.

What is your wellness philosophy?

My wellness philosophy centers around spending quality time with my family and parents. I find that meeting them frequently has a significant positive impact on my well-being. Regardless of how stressful or challenging my day may have been, spending time with my loved one’s helps me feel calm and collected. I strongly believe that cultivating healthy relationships with our loved ones is a critical aspect of achieving overall wellness. Regularly connecting with family and loved ones can provide emotional support, reduce stress, and enhance our sense of belonging and purpose. In this sense, my wellness philosophy emphasizes the importance of prioritizing social connections and building meaningful relationships in our lives.

Your success mantra?

My success mantra is “Trust the Process.” It’s a saying that constantly reminds me to focus on the journey rather than the destination. I firmly believe that the key to success is not just in the end result, but in the process that we undertake to get there. I always strive to improve and refine my approach to achieve my goals. I believe in adopting a never-give-up mentality, no matter how difficult the situation may seem. I see each obstacle or setback as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than as a roadblock to my success. I firmly believe that success is a result of consistent hard work, perseverance, and patience.

A lesson you learned from making a mistake?

One of the most significant lessons I learned from making a mistake was the importance of being diligent and double-checking my work. I made a mistake on a project that I had been working on for months, and it ended up costing me a lot of time and effort to fix. I realized I had rushed through some steps and had not taken the time to review my work carefully. From that experience, I learned that even when I am confident in my abilities; I need to take the time to review my work and make sure that everything is correct. I also learned the importance of admitting my mistakes and taking responsibility for them. Instead of trying to cover up my error or blame someone else, I owned up to it and worked hard to correct it. I believe that making mistakes is a crucial part of the learning process. Each time I make a mistake, I gain new insights and understanding that I can apply to future situations. I try to approach my mistakes with a growth mindset, seeing them as opportunities for growth and improvement rather than as failures.

Any piece of advice for all the women out there?

One piece of advice I would offer is to not let other people’s opinions hold you back. It’s easy to get caught up in what others think of us and worry about being judged or criticized. However, it’s essential to remember that ultimately, you are in charge of your own life. If there is something you want to do or a dream you want to pursue, don’t let the fear of what others might think stop you. It’s essential to follow your heart and do what makes you happy. You may encounter obstacles or disappointments along the way, but that is a part of life. Don’t give up on your dreams and don’t be afraid to express yourself.

What has been your biggest pride as a doyenne?

I’m thrilled to have the power to sway others, especially women. My line of work and the field I operate in both require judgment. That is an integral component of it. Every other woman I meet tells me they want to be like you, therefore I believe I play a very important part in encouraging women to believe in themselves.

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