
Celebrating the Doyenne: Mayuree Rao

“For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.” ~ Virginia Woolf. On this International Women’s Day, GlobalSpa recognizes and celebrates the women in the industry as we delve into their success mantra they follow, mistakes that have helped them grow, and of course, their WELLNESS philosophy.

Mayuree Rao is the CEO and Founder of Wonder Foods and Farms – a food and beverage grocery system providing Indian and international flavors to their customers.

What is your wellness philosophy?

Chase things that make you happy, surround yourself with people who bring you joy and treat your body and life with care and respect.

Your success mantra?

I truly do not think I am a success story just as yet – but I am confident we will get there. I believe that if you have faith in yourself and are willing to work hard – success is inevitable! Just one little advice – listen to that inner almost always points you towards the right direction…

A lesson you learned from making a mistake?

If only I could count the mistakes I have made! But one learning that remains a constant is – don’t be afraid of making mistakes! Because that is how you learn what not to do, how not to be and sometimes what not to say and that my friend is an ignored but very important lesson!

Any piece of advice for all the women out there?

If you act like a doormat, people are going to walk over you – so don’t! Be bold, be fierce and the world’s going to be your oyster..

What has been your biggest pride as a doyenne?

Again, I don’t think I am doyenne..but I am very proud of that fact that I was able to leave a very comfortable position in my career and chase a dormant dream. However, the credit for this courage is equally shared by my family and friends who have given me the right amount of push and much needed support.

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