
Celebrating the Doyenne: Mariko Amekodommo

“For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.” ~ Virginia Woolf. On this International Women’s Day, GlobalSpa recognizes and celebrates the women in the industry as we delve into their success mantra they follow, mistakes that have helped them grow, and of course, their WELLNESS philosophy.

Mariko Amekodommo is an International Culinary Expert and the founder of Mariko Communications.

What is your wellness philosophy?

My wellness philosophy, simply put, is all about balance. I believe that extremes aren’t sustainable. I eat vegan as much as possible, but occasionally indulge in steaks and fancy cheeses. I follow Ayurveda, but also host Ayurvedic cocktail parties because it’s impossible to swear off alcohol forever. And balance mentally as well; I swim daily as a form of meditation to counteract the hectic day of work ahead.

Your success mantra?

My success mantra would be ‘the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward’ Everything that has happened in my life was due to huge risks. From moving to different countries and doing a few career 360s. Things will never happen unless you put some crazy change into motion.

A lesson you learned from making a mistake?

A lesson I’ve learned from making a mistake, is to take accountability when it happens and not continue dwelling on it. Those 2 things will reduce the drama of any mistake.

Any piece of advice for all the women out there?

My biggest piece for all women out there, is go out and take risks! Also, don’t let negative people control your narrative. It’s okay to cancel anyone if their opinions aren’t positive and empowering.

What has been your biggest pride as a doyenne?

My biggest pride as a doyenne is being at the forefront of trends and innovation. This personally gives me the opportunity to work with emerging brands and talent that will pave the way for the future of the wellness industry.

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