
World Health Day 2021: Put Immunity First

A time when the whole world is facing a health crisis as we fight the coronavirus pandemic, World Health Day 2021 carries more importance than ever.calls to put immunity first and the importance of it in today’s world.

It has been over one year since the pandemic began and many of our lives have been turned upside down. With World Health Day being celebrated, Vandana Luthra, talks about the importance and ways to build immunity. “I view the World Health Day as an occasion for introspection. The one day each one of us must go inwards to understand what has placed us on this cross road. I believe that this is a situation we have inflicted on ourselves. Not just the world outside, we have also taken the universe within us for granted. Let us pledge to stop this excessive way of life and instead work towards building our immunity and cleansing our body of the many layers of toxins that block well-being and positivity.”

Beginning from the simple public health practices to help reduce the spread of the corona virus infection like, regular hand-washing, avoiding touching the face with unwashed hands, avoiding close contact with sick people, and disinfecting frequently touched objects. Adequate nutrition is another important way to help reduce the risk and impact of virus infections, as well as to build a more resilient immune system over the long term.

Immunity is best boosted naturally, with good nutritious home food, and regular exercise ensuring a non-sedentary lifestyle. Rather than the benefits of medical supplements, people should focus on a healthy lifestyle.

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