Health Nutrition

Foods For Stronger Nails

The health of your nails speaks volumes about the health of your bones. Nutrition plays a key role in strengthening both nails and bones. Global Spa brings you 5 foods that can help you get stronger and more beautiful nails.


Although salmon is acidifying, it is also a flavorful reservoir of bone-rejuvenating, hair growing and nail-strengthening nutrients. One must understand that it is especially rich in vitamin B12. A deficiency in of which can lead to your fingernails becoming dry and darkened. Salmon is also a good source of biotin and protein, along with omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation. It anti-inflammatory properties impair the healthy development of our nail plate.


They are one of the few dietary sources of Vitamin D. They are also acidifying and their protein content is crucial for strong fingernails. The protein in eggs is highly digestible and easily taken up by the body.

Eggs also contain B12, vitamins A and E, iron, and biotin. Biotin has been scientifically shown to increase fingernail thickness and reduce brittleness and splitting. One of the things that make rotten eggs smell so bad is their sulfur content. But in fresh eggs, sulfur is a beneficial nutrient that strengthens fingernails.


Including oats as a part of your diet is a good idea, as it contains micronutrients like copper and zinc that are important for healthy fingernail maintenance. They also have manganese, silicon, and B-complex vitamins, all of which promote healthy fingernails. Before eating oats, soak them for several hours. Untreated oats, like other grains, contain phytic acid which tends to block the absorption of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc in the intestines.


Beans are packed with protein which promotes nail growth, but they are also a great source of nail friendly vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and biotin. Biotin has been shown to increase nail strength it has led to a significant increase in nail plate thickness and reduction in nails’ tendency to split.

Green Peas


Green peas are small but nutrient-rich. Their protein content helps the fingernails to strengthen and increase their rate of growth. They are also a great food to add to your diet if you want to boost the health of your nails.  They also contain beta-carotene and vitamin C, as well as some iron. Green peas can be bought fresh in the pod, dried, frozen, and canned. Their season is however during Spring time!

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