
Correct way of drinking water


Image credits: Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Water is essential for our survival; it is necessary for the maintenance of life. We all make numerous mistakes while drinking water, have you been doing it right?

It is recommended to have around 8 glasses of water in a day, not having enough water can cause a lot of problems & right way of consumption of water is equally important. Here’s the correct way of drinking water. 


Sit when you drink

You should always prefer sitting while you drink water. The body absorbs the water efficiently if it is consumed while sitting and the organs can retain it for long enough. This way of drinking water relaxes your muscles and nervous system and aids in digestion. If the water is consumed while standing it quickly moves down the colon and increases the risk of causing problems such as- colic pain, arthritis, gerd and kidney damage. 


Drink in sips

It is always recommended to take small sips of water instead of chugging down larger ones in a single breath as our saliva is alkaline in nature water takes time to mix with it and stabilize the acid in our stomach. Sipping gently soothes your digestive system and goes well with your stomach. 


Drink warm water

You should consume warm water or water at room temperature as it helps with digestion and benefits our metabolism. It also promotes weight loss and helps with the relief from bloating and pain, it satisfies your thirst better than cold water which can shake your senses and distrust your digestive juices. It decreases the supply of blood to various organs and can cause constipation. 


Indicators of thirst

Our body tries to alarm us about the need of water through various indicators. The change in the colour of urine is the most basic and an obvious indicator of dehydration. Urine turns dark yellow, indicating the need for hydration. Dry lips are another indicator of thirst and signify the immediate need of consumption of water. 


When to drink water?

Water needs to be consumed at the right times and occasions, you should begin your morning with a glass of water as it helps in getting rid of all the toxins from your body and cleanses your intestines. It should also be consumed 30 minutes before the meal and after the meal, consumption of water right before or after the meal can dilute the digestive juices. Drinking a glass of water before and after the workout is also recommended since it keeps you hydrated as you sweat. You should end your day by drinking water before you go off to bed. 



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