
Global Wellness Day: Spirituality & Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is a healing treatment that has been around for thousands of years and was typically offered by holistic practitioners. As science and steam distillation evolved, the use of essential oils has been associated for spiritual applications. This Global Wellness Day, explore a part of spirituality with essential oils.

“Spirituality is a universal human experience that connects us to or brings us into greater harmony with the present moment, to self, to our fellow man, to nature, or to the divine. Nowadays, some people use essential oils to open the mind, enhance spiritual connections, and invite inspiration. They do so by inhaling an essential oil while meditating or through direct application of essential oils to the body” explains Scott A. Johnson, a naturopath, essential oil specialist, master aromatherapist, and alternative medical practitioner “One of the most remarkable aspects of essential oils is their ability to simultaneously influence one’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.” The invention of steam distilleries let to the extraction of essential oils from different plants and aromatherapy became popular in the 11th century. Aromatic herbs and oils, including essential oils, have been an active part of the spiritual practices of many religions and cultures throughout history. Here is a list of some of the essential oils and its application during various moods.

Stress and Anxiety

Bergamot is a citrus fruit similar to lime and can be of green or orange colour. Oil extracted from this fruit is used to reduce stress and improve skin conditions like eczema.

Headaches and Migraines

Derived from Cananga Odorata, Ylang-Ylang essential oil is distilled in different phases. The oil extracted thus is used to cure stress, anxiety, sadness, tension, and sleeplessness.

Sleep and Insomnia

The fragrance from the lavender oil is used in the treatment of insomnia, anxiety, depression, headaches and nausea. The fragrance released from the oil is used to increase calmness and wellness.

Mood and Relaxation

Derived from the Chamomile plant, the oil is available in two varieties – Roman chamomile and German chamomile. Both the plants are different in appearance and also in the presence of active ingredients. The oil is used to improve digestion, ulcers, sores and skin rashes.

Depression and Libido

The oil is derived from the white flowers of the Jasmine plant known as Jasminun officinale. For centuries, Jasmine has been associated with sweet, romantic fragrances. The oil has a healing effect, healing wounds through formation of scar tissue.

Boost Energy and Digestion

The aromatic herb comes from the mint family. The notes are an amalgamation of spearmint and watermint. The oil is derived from the peppermint plant and is used in treatments like curing nausea, headaches and libido.

Infections and Immunity

An essential oil helps keeping skin and hair healthy. Extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, the oil when inhaled cures coughs and colds. Tree oil can be used as a hand sanitiser and as a natural deodorant removing underarm odours.

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