
From Frost to Flare: Inside The Wellness Co.’s Hottest Treatments

I tried Red Light Therapy at The Wellness Co. in New Delhi. Here’s the scoop on these rejuvenating treatments

From Frost to Flare Inside The Wellness Co.’s Hottest Treatments-Cover Image

When it comes to skincare, I tread cautiously. My sensitive skin tends to react adversely to new treatments, often resulting in irritation. Yet, the beauty enthusiast in me is always eager to explore the latest innovations in skincare. This duality is what led me to discover The Wellness Co. in New Delhi.

If you’ve ever dreamed about lounging in the lap of luxury while simultaneously hacking your way to health, then you need to give The Wellness Co. a chance. With over six locations all across India, The Wellness Co. is India’s first integrative clinic where cutting-edge wellness seamlessly blends with bespoke luxury. From IV therapy to red light treatments, the clinic offers an extensive array of wellness solutions designed for muscle recovery, overall fitness, and beauty enhancement.

Nestled in South Delhi, The Wellness Co. recently opened a new clinic in one of Gurugram’s most prestigious neighbourhoods. The clinic exudes a serene ambiance reminiscent of a high-end spa, providing the perfect setting for a rejuvenating experience. Floor-to-ceiling windows bathe the rooms in natural light, while wooden flooring and ambient lighting add warmth and elegance. Meanwhile, towering areca palms lend character to the space, and deep green plush furniture infuses the small reception area with an earthy, inviting atmosphere. The place screams wellness.

During a quick tour of the clinic, I was introduced to the extensive array of wellness treatments available, each tailored to meet specific needs. The clinic boasts a hyperbaric chamber for oxygen therapy, a cryo chamber, an EMS training room, and multiple treatment rooms.

After a quick consultation with the doctor, I settled on sampling their red light treatment session.

But before I dive into my experience, here’s a TL;DR on what red light therapy exactly is.

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What Is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy (RLT), the latest darling in the realm of wellness tech, is not just another fleeting trend—it’s a powerhouse of potential benefits packed into a gentle, non-invasive treatment. Imagine using the power of light to supercharge your skin cells and ease your mind.

This revolutionary treatment harnesses the power of specific wavelengths of light to penetrate the skin at varying depths without causing harm. These wavelengths—typically in the red, far-red, or near-infrared spectrum—are absorbed by the mitochondria, the energy centers within our cells. This absorption triggers a series of biochemical reactions that enhance cellular function and promote various healing processes.

As opposed to LED face masks, skin tightening creams, and other skin care tools, red light therapy devices are a unique type of treatment that use low levels of red or near-infrared (NIR) light to enhance skin appearance, facilitate wound healing of various parts of the body, and help with pain management. Although the naked eye can’t detect infrared light, the human body can sense it as heat. Conversely, red light is visible to the naked eye. Red light therapy is sometimes referred to as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), low-power laser therapy (LPLT), or photobiomodulation (PBM).

So, how does this translate into real-world perks? Think boosted collagen production, reduced inflammation, and accelerated tissue repair—all crucial for achieving that coveted youthful glow and speeding up recovery post-workout. And the best part? It’s not just for your face anymore. From sleek LED masks to full-body panels, RLT setups are popping up everywhere, offering convenience without compromising on effectiveness.
Whether you’re battling acne, seeking relief from muscle soreness, or simply aiming to enhance your skin’s radiance, RLT might just be your new go-to.

What are the Benefits and Side Effects?

Red light therapy (RLT) isn’t just a trend—it’s a multifaceted treatment with benefits that reach far beyond skin deep. Imagine harnessing the power of light to turn back the clock on aging, calm inflammation throughout your body, and even boost your mental well-being—all without the harmful effects of UV rays. According to research, RLT stimulates collagen and elastin production, helping to smooth out fine lines and enhance skin texture. It’s like pressing rewind on your skin’s aging process, giving you a fresher, more youthful appearance.

But RLT isn’t just for vanity’s sake. It’s a therapeutic powerhouse that accelerates healing by increasing ATP production and reducing inflammation in diverse areas, from your muscles to your mind. Fitness enthusiasts swear by its ability to speed up muscle recovery, easing post-workout soreness and improving performance. Even mental health can benefit, with studies suggesting RLT may alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD by boosting mood-regulating neurotransmitters.

Safety-wise, RLT is gentle on the skin and generally well-tolerated, making it a promising option for various health concerns. However, like with any treatment, it’s wise to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have specific skin conditions or medical concerns. Whether you’re looking to enhance your skin’s radiance, support muscle recovery, or improve your mood, RLT offers a ray of hope in the realm of holistic wellness.

My Experience

After I was informed thoroughly about the potential side effects of the treatment (although there were none), I was led to a minimalist treatment room and settled into the futuristic-looking bed of red LEDs in nothing but my underclothes and protective goggles. The treatment works best with direct skin contact.

Although it was daunting at first to lie in an infrared chamber, the warmth of the lights calmed me down and made me relax in a matter of minutes. I fell asleep until I hit the 20-minute mark to turn over. There was also a RLT panel over my face and my scalp—and I excitedly lay there for as long as I could to get every inch out of the treatment.

Firstly, while there is no magic bullet to instantly undo the decade of acne I have experienced as a 27-year-old, I could feel my skin glowing just after one session. I had just come back from a really tiring trip and my body felt so much more relaxed than I’d imagined.

Secondly, to really feel the benefits of a red light therapy session—especially for your skin—it’s recommended to take at least four to five sessions before you really get to experience the benefits.

Would I go back? Definitely, yes. By the time I finish writing this review, I’m already done with two red light therapy sessions and my skin has never felt better. My sleep has also gotten better and I find myself being less sore after my workouts.

For severe cases of actinic keratosis, a single session might do the trick. However, tougher cases need at least 4–5 sessions. However, it’s important to remember that moderation is key. Overdoing it can lead to unwanted side effects like prolonged redness, burns, or even more wrinkles.

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