
6 Non-Perishable Food Items to Stock On

With a much longer shelf life and easier to bulk on, here are 6 non-perishable foods items to top off at your next round at the grocer.


This rich spread might look like an unhealthy choice, but you’d be surprised to know peanut butter is defiantly rich in nutrients and has numerable health benefits. Each 2 tablespoons of peanut butter contains more than 8g of proteins, and is one of those treats you could eat before kicking out a workout. It’s also rich in iron, calcium, hence promotes strong bones, is packed with cancer-fighting vitamin E and even lowers risk of coronary diseases.
Shelf Life: 3-4 months


It’s the perfect health snack! Trail mix, especially those with nuts, are amazing sources of Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants like Vitamin C and E. What’s even more is you can top your trail mix with so many more fulfilling ingredients such as nuts, granola, dark chocolate, and even seeds!
Shelf life: 6 months


Granola power bars have long been righteously associated with one of the best health foods you can easily munch on. These energy bars reduce cholesterol, boost energy, promote weight loss, and are rich sources of vitamin E, protein and fiber! Instead of stocking up on other snacks, you could easily opt for granola bars.
Shelf life: about 6-8 months


One of the healthiest grains, oats is fulfilling, nutritious, and delicious. Their nutrient composition is “well-balanced” containing carbs, fiber, and higher in fats and protein than most other grains. They’re rich in anti-oxidants, help control blood sugar, promote weight loss, and are amazing must-haves to include in your skincare as well.

Shelf life: 18-24 months


Oh, the miracle of foods – honey! High-quality honey is rich in anti-oxidants, it’s anti-inflammatory, a natural source of sugar, promotes wound healing, and is absolutely amazing for your skin. Stocking up on honey doesn’t only add to your pantry but also to your skincare routine. It’s the perfect rendition to buy!

Shelf life: 2 years


A staple in most households, rice is one of the best food items to stock on. You could even experiment with this dish! Rice is rich in dozens of nutrients like fiber, protein, carbs, sodium, potassion, calcium, controls blood pressure, and is anti-inflammatory. While both white and brown rice are dense in fiber and carbs, brown rice tends to be richer in fiber and less in carbs hence it being the healthier option.
Shelf life: 4-5 years

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