
Celebrating the Doyenne: Sonia Jhas

“For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.” ~ Virginia Woolf. On this International Women’s Day, GlobalSpa recognizes and celebrates the women in the industry as we delve into their success mantra they follow, mistakes that have helped them grow, and of course, their WELLNESS philosophy.

Sonia Jhas is a Toronto based, South Asian health and wellness coach, author, and speaker. She is on a mission to help you live your best!

What is your wellness philosophy?

WMy wellness philosophy has evolved significantly over the years. Once upon a time, I would have said that my wellness philosophy involved eating well and exercising when really, I was focused on the “quest to be skinny”. I wanted the optics to be about wellness, when in reality I was fighting a silent battle around my self worth. Through years of mindset work, my wellness has shifted to one that focuses on living a life that’s in alignment with more core values. I exercise to strengthen my body, I eat well to nourish my body, I focus on self-care to maintain balance and harmony, and I continue to do the internal work required to cultivate a deeper understanding of who I am. My wellness philosophy used to be less of a philosophy and more of a rigid set of rules and principles. Now I strive for flow by tuning-in to what my mind and body really need.

Your success mantra?

My success mantra: every challenge I face is an opportunity for me to surrender, re-align, and grow.

A lesson you learned from making a mistake?

Early on in my career, I found myself often making decisions based on what I thought I “should” be doing. Despite being bold enough to quit my corporate career to pursue the unknown, I still had strong ideas of how I expected the path to unfold and wrongly thought that I could control each step along the way. What did this lead to? Lots of self-doubt and disappointment because sadly life just doesn’t work that way; the more you try and control, the more painful the journey becomes. And so over the years, I’ve had to pivot my perspective and lean-in to the uncertainty – trusting that if I show up and do my best, what’s meant for me will never pass me, and what passes me is simply not meant for me. Learning to trust and surrender doesn’t come easily to me, but it’s a daily work-in-progress that has really shifted my ability to enjoy the evolution of my career.

Any piece of advice for all the women out there?

Try your best to shut out the noise – whether that’s the noise of parents, friends, or good old social media. We’re so used to looking externally for validation, we forget how to tune-in to our true selves in order to understand what we really need and desire. Yes, working hard is mandatory, but so is cultivating daily practices that allow you to better connect with yourself such as meditating, journaling, and therapy. By going inward, you’ll come closer to uncovering what brings you joy, which is critical when you’re striving to pave your own path.

What has been your biggest pride as a doyenne?

My greatest pride has been witnessing the impact I’ve made when it comes to peoples’ wellness journeys and mental health. Seeing people have their “aha” moments when I speak, or watching their lives transform as we work together, is undeniably the most rewarding feeling in the world. I know how hard the “quest to be skinny” is on the mind, body, and soul and knowing that I’m helping so many women break-free from the narratives and behaviours that are robbing them of joy and happiness brings me so much personal satisfaction. I am so grateful to be able to connect with so many people to share my experiences and learnings – whether that’s via social media or in “real life” – it’s what keeps me going every day!

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