
GlobalSpa Webinar: The Positivity Plan

Experts from all across the world took us through ways to stay positive while staying home.

Your mental health is a priority, your happiness is an essential, your self-care is a necessity. Following the same notion, GlobalSpa hosted its first Webinar on Mental Health called ‘The Positivity Plan’. GlobalSpa took the initiative to engage in a conversation where we could all make use of mental positivity, and support thus reaching out to people from all around the world.

Our panelists, joining in from different parts of the world, included Sue Healey, Mala Barua, Dr. Ashwani Chopra, and Mark Sands. From dealing with anxiety to the importance of ‘me’ time, they got us covered with everything related to mental health and being positive.

Sue Healey, Mental Health Counsellor, and a Physiotherapist, currently has a private practice offering counseling services in schools and colleges in London. Leading the conversation, she spoke on teenage mental health “Younger ones are more about demanding attention, whereas teenagers just tend to withdraw. At this stage, it is important for their brain to develop as they are more wired to take risks. This is the perfect time for parents to make conversation, encourage them to express themselves, and use this opportunity to find out more about them.”

Mala Barua, an Inner Silence Meditation practitioner, Transformational Meditation teacher, and founder of Mystic Asia, highlighted how important it is to reflect within ourselves. “There is so much anxiety right now which is why people are not able to accept the situation. This resistance is causing all the negative emotions. We have no choice but to remain in a peaceful state of mind right now. Here we use the light of mindfulness and meditation”, says Mala, “This is the time for spiritual life.”

“Our emotional and mental wellbeing are important because they have a profound impact on the body. Eventually, our body becomes the mind. ” tells Dr. Ashwani Chopra, a well-known gastroenterologist and the owner and founder of Aashlok Hospital. He further explained that we cannot separate mind and body, if anything happens on the physical level, there is disharmony on a mental level as well. He further added ” Air is our breath, trees are our lungs, and earth recycles our body. We are participating in the environment, so if the environment is sick, we are sick.” He also spoke on the placebo effect implying that we can stimulate our mind and become our own placebos.

Mark Sands, Vice President of Wellness at Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas shared few tips on how to relax at home “We are confined in one way, in a physical space. If you have to work from home, try to keep the same daily routine. Set your mealtime, get some exercise, and create some positive moments with your family to share. At Six Senses, we have launched an initiative on our social media platforms called ‘At Home with Six Senses’ where we are able to offer content to people in their homes with the intention to provide knowledge space and compassion. For example, making stuff from your own hands as you feel that you are achieving something, like making DIY detox body scrubs from leftovers.” Speaking about social media, he advised being mindful of what content we are consuming since all these algorithm’s content has already been fed to us.

Following the webinar, we made our platform open to questionnaire with our panelists from the audience. From exploring the answers to why negativity is stronger than positivity, to what seems to be the future of the Spa industry after quarantine, the webinar concluded on a positive and informative note. GlobalSpa thanks all the speakers and the audience for spreading the positivity plan and making this webinar a huge success. Stay home and stay safe.

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