
Is The 5-9 Before The 9-5 Wellness Trend For You? Experts Weigh In

Starting the day with mindful activities can lead to a more positive outlook and better emotional resilience. Take tips from Luke Coutinho, Archana Singhal, and Neha Ranglani

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What time do you start your day? I might be outing myself here, but this morning I dragged myself out of bed at 9:30 am, a mere 30 minutes before I had to be at work. It’s a chaotic approach, to say the least, and quite contrary to the wellness trend making waves on social media these days. You must have noticed a set of users waking up early and following a morning routine to make the most of their time before heading to work. It’s called the 5-9 before the 9-5, and it’s a game-changer!

What is the 5-9 Before the 9-5 Trend?

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The ‘5-9 before the 9-5’ wellness trend asks you to wake up as early as 5 in the morning and spend some quality time with yourself. This can mean taking the time to eat a hearty breakfast, exercising, journaling, or even taking up a new hobby that you have always wanted to try. According to Archana Singhal, the visionary founder of Mindwell Counsel, practicing mindfulness and self-care in the morning, sets a positive tone for the day. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, making you more resilient to daily challenges. “This early focus on well-being boosts mood and energy, leading to better mental clarity and emotional balance throughout the day,” she suggests.

Why Should You Consider it?

Working a 9-5 job can sometimes be draining and, by the time you clock out, you’re often too wiped out to do anything fun or productive. Therefore, a structured morning routine that includes time for personal interests can help prevent burnout. Archana Singhal suggests that you should start your day with breathing exercises, gratitude journaling, gentle stretching or yoga, mindful eating, and quiet reflection.

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Ms. Archana Singhal

The early hours of the day, particularly the first hour, are sacred. How we choose to spend this time largely determines the tone of our day, setting the stage for its performance. “While we can’t control how the day unfolds, we can begin it intentionally by establishing a solid morning routine,” explains integrative lifestyle expert Luke Coutinho. “How we spend these hours directly influences our daily mood, the quality of our sleep, our resilience to challenges, and the energy we carry with us,” he adds.

So, How Should We Spend our 5-9?

Eat Better

“Starting your day with mindful practices like eating healthy, breathing, meditation and yoga helps keep your mind clear and your mood stable throughout the day.” Neha Ranglani, an integrative health coach, also advocates for the 5-9 routine. “Nutritious food provides lasting energy and keeps your emotions steady, leading to better overall mental well-being,” she further adds. To eat healthy in the morning, plan ahead by choosing whole foods like fruits, veggies, and whole grains.

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Neha Ranglani

“Avoid sugary foods and drinks, and take time to enjoy your meal without distractions. Starting your day with water, lemon water, herbal tea, or green juice and making balanced meals a priority will set you up for a day of feeling good both mentally and physically,” Neha Ranglani suggests.

Exercise Your Way

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Many people sacrifice their workout routine in favour of more work, but getting up early to exercise could boost overall productivity, mood, and health. “It is beneficial to start your workday with some morning stretches to stimulate circulation. Spend time in natural sunlight or connect with nature in any way you can,” suggests Luke Coutinho. Set your intentions for the day and plan it out, so you start your day with a clear direction rather than letting the day control you.

Explore Your Personal Interests

Instead of sticking to the same routine day after day, the 5-to-9 approach lets you explore personal interests and passions. For instance, if you’ve always dreamt of starting your own podcast, allowing yourself to dedicate a few hours each morning to it enables you to actively work towards that goal. The sense of purpose and fulfilment derived from engaging in a meaningful personal project can be incredibly motivating.

But Does it Set Unrealistic Standards?

While one side of the internet is all about praising the trend for setting a positive tone for the day, there is another side to it as well that claims that forcing oneself to wake up at ungodly hours might disrupt productivity later in the day and may lead to burnout. But it is important to understand that the 5-9 routine should be tailored to individual preferences and lifestyles. It’s not about strictly adhering to a 4-hour morning routine but finding a balance that works for you.

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Luke Coutinho

Luke Coutinho shares his ideal morning routine, emphasising the choices we have at the start of each day. He suggests that instead of immediately engaging with our phones, diving into social media, watching the news, arguing, or letting the number on the scale define our day and self-perception, we can choose to begin with gratitude, prayers, connecting with nature, enjoying the sunlight, practicing yoga, spending time alone, and setting intentions. “Each of us possesses the gift of these sacred hours. How we utilise them is our choice. Choose wisely,” he advises.

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