
5 Detox Water to lose Water Weight for Valentine

Detox water lead pic source- pexels

Here are five detox drinks to shed your water weight

Want to continue your summers detox routine but cannot drink cold water in winters? It’s time to try out the new detox add-ons to warm water to get ready for your date. These 5 Detox Water will help you reduce your Water Weight for Valentine.

Detox water with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be an addition to your winter detox plan. Apple cider vinegar should be added to water before consumption as undiluted ACV is dangerous. Drinking warm water with apple cider vinegar not only helps in detox but has many other health benefits. These include weight loss, reducing cholesterol, lowering blood sugar levels and improving symptoms of diabetes. Having Apple cider vinegar on regular basis can do wonders for your health and beauty.





Detox water with Cucumber

Carafe Detox Cucumber Water Lemon Drink Lime

Adding cucumber slices to your water converts it into a magical remedy for body detoxification at home. Drinking cucumber in warm water helps in improving hydration. Hydration is vital to good health as it infused water in your body. There cannot be a better way to be hydrated that the warm cucumber water. Cucumber water is not only health, but it is also tasting nice, increasing the chances of you drinking more of it throughout the day.




Detox water with Ginger and honey

ginger in water source- pexels

Cough and cold are common in the winter season. So, the ginger and honey detox water are a perfect solution. The ginger and honey detox water not only have medicinal value but also is good for detox. It can be called as the all-rounder add-on to warm water. This is because of it is a natural home remedy for a cough and cold, natural pain killer, it strengthens your immune system, helps in curing problems related to indigestion.






Detox water with mint leaves and lemon

Mint leaves and lemon water makes for a powerful detox drink. Lemon juice, when added to water, helps in cleansing the body. Add one thinly sliced lemon to a large pitcher or squeeze fresh lemon juice into your glass. Adding 2 to 3 mint leaves to the powerful detox water gives it a touch of sweetness without sugar. This mint leaves and lemon is a perfect drink for detox at it will settle your stomach and aids in digestion also.




Detox water with green tea leaves

It’s time to make a cup of green tea. Feeling sleep but still, have a lot of work to done?  Green tea contains caffeine which increases neuron activity of your brain, increasing your concentration which keeps you awake. A dip of green tea in your warm water can be super beneficial for you. It has antioxidants which can protect you from cancer, balance your blood sugar level, and melt fat.






Disclaimer: All the above-mentioned drinks must be consumed fresh and must be stored in jars with holes for proper oxidation or it might cause bloating in the stomach. Also, people with liver and kidney problems must consult doctors before consuming the drinks.



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