
Legs Up the Wall for 15 minutes, can do miracles

Anti-aging effects or back relaxation or reduce aging, surely the Legs Up the Wall Pose has numerous benefits to gain out off. 

Legs Up the Wall Pose or ViparitaKarani is a form of restorative yoga posture that allows the mind and the body to relax, relieving stress and tension. It is one of the most approachable yoga poses as it doesn’t require much flexibility or strength. But even though it’s a passive pose, its benefits are pretty amazing. Also known as Inverted Lake, this mild inversion is known for a wide range of health benefits as well as its anti-aging effects.

Getting the Legs Up the Wall Pose Right

  • Start by collecting the items your will need for this session, which ideally includes a yoga mat, yoga block, and two small towels.
  • Lie on the floor near a wall and practice deep, steady breathing. Exhale and swing your legs up onto the wall so that your heels and sitting bones are supported against it.
  • If you have any discomfort in your lower back, adjust your body slightly back from the wall so that your sitting bones are not touching it.
  • Rest your head on the mat or floor, keeping your spine straight, and bend your knees a little so your kneecaps won’t lock.

Here is a list of Benefits of Legs Up the Wall Pose:

Relaxes the Body

The semi-supine aspect of the pose combined with controlled breathing leads to a slowing down within your body. This exhibits itself in a lowered heart rate which elicits a relaxation response and, in turn, helps lower anxiety, stress and insomnia.

Facilitates venous drainage and increases circulation

By elevating the legs promotes drainage from excess fluid build-up. In addition, gravity assists circulation by facilitating the return of blood back to the heart.

Soothes swollen or cramped feet and legs

Inverting the legs and feet has long been known as an effective treatment for reducing swelling and pain in the lower extremities. This can be therapeutic after flying, physical activity or from the detrimental effects of sitting/standing during the day.

Stretches the hamstrings and lower back

The angle of the body reduces the curve of the lumbar spine, which will elongate and stretch the back muscles. The closer your hips are to the wall, the more stretch you’ll create in your hamstrings.

Relieves lower back tension

Pressure is released from the spine in a supine position (especially on a bed or cushion), which helps in relieving the back from mild strain.

Pelvic Floor Relaxation

The pelvic muscles naturally release and relax in this position (more so with a cushion under the pelvis) resulting in a constructive exercise for a hypertonic (tense) pelvic floor.

Apart from the regular back relaxing of muscles this pose helps in digestion, and old Hindu scriptures claims that ViparitaKarani hides wrinkles in addition to banishing old age and death.


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