Author Name: GlobalSpa
Published Date: 12-Sep-2019
Various questions regarding the way a person’s character or physical/mental sickness or even varying bodily issues are asked. Did you know they’re all related to the Dosha types? We have constantly wondered why certain people stay slim despite consuming huge amounts of food or few of them just can’t sit still and are constantly active as opposed to few who are couch potatoes. This is because of the unique Dosha effects on the individual. WHAT ARE DOSHAS? Ayurveda in India explains every individual has a combination of predominant primal elements which govern the body type and mental state. These are Vata, Pitta and Kapha, and these together are called Doshas. Vata - consists of space and air Pitta – consists of fire and water Kapha - consists of earth and water. Individuals have a combination of all types, but one of them being dominant than the rest. Vata Vata symbolizes movement which governs the motor activities in the body such as the flow of liquids, breathing and communication of thoughts through mind and body. A balanced Vata person can be highly creative, communicative and expressive butut on the imbalance side, it can lead to insomnia, digestive and constipation problems along with the lethargic mental and physical state. Pitta Pitta personifies transformation which helps in digestion, metabolism and maintaining body temperature. A balanced mind tends to have heightened concentration abilities with intelligence. Imbalances lead to quick temper and body inflammation. Kapha Kapha represents structure which aids in storing energy, lubricates the entire body and bulks up the tissues. These individuals embody love and compassion, but an imbalance can make them greedy and possessive and susceptible to obesity and congestion in organs. Determining which Dosha type an individual belongs to help in resolving imbalances associated with it by lifestyle changes. This can significantly influence one’s physical, emotional and mental state.