Author Name: GlobalSpa
Published Date: 12-Nov-2024
Capella Bangkok’s secret superhero is the stellar spa, Auriga, with its exhaustive line-up of deeply invigorating, restorative therapies that work beautifully as nourishing experiences.
I arrived here with the intention of relaxing my muscles, clearing my mind, and submitting to the magic of Thai, Chinese, Indian and European holistic practices. The sight of the lily pools, and the run of the mighty Chao Phraya river beyond, the nodding flowers and clusters of green outside the full-length windows brought the outside inside in the welcome area. Golden sunlight poured in as the light lilt of music set the tone for a relaxed vibe.
From a choice of four essential oils, I went in for a combination of lavender, matcha and geranium, for a 90-minute full body massage. As I walked into the massage suite, my therapist, Rin, first performed the foot ritual: washing my feet in a bowl of honey and milk mixed with lukewarm water, using a sugar scrub to slough off the dead cells. The dip left my tired toes soft, supple, and squeaky clean. The quick spray of tea tree oil locked in the moisture effectively. The pleasing fragrance tickled my nostrils as I took in the comforting confines of the suite.
Then a warm towel scrub all over set the tone for a relaxing massage. My therapist brought in a thin white sheet to blot the excess moisture before commencing the therapy. The quiet cleansing rituals forming part of my therapy were deeply relaxing. Add to that the soothing surroundings, the featherlight strokes, the light warmth of the essential oils as they went about performing their rebalancing act – the entire combination was by now beginning to slowly lull me into a state of complete relaxation.
Firm, steady finger tips and intuitive hands worked their way rhythmically in circles – first towards, and then away - from my spine, weaning away the exhaustion nestling in my cells. My entire torso was relieved of the deep-seated knots in the muscles with just the right amount of pressure applied on the tension laced areas.
The taut shoulder muscles and calves formed the next focus with Rin applying medium pressure using her palms and elbows adroitly in a skilful application of acupressure and long strokes from my soles to my scalp, to work away the fatigue.
The full body scrub with a combination of the healing powers of mung bean, black sesame, and rice berry - as if poured in the chi with the anti-aging elixirs. Every cell of my being felt special, as a subtle scalp massage then brought in a boost to my blood circulation.
Sound healing forms a pivotal part of the restorative therapies at Auriga and the subtle inclusion of chimes, Tibetan bowls and tuning forks made the languor seep deeper into my limbs, as if in a natural sync with the delicate tinkle, soothing frequencies and vibration that brought in innate relaxation as multiple levels.
As I emerged from the sauna, warm sips of Thai herbal tea, and a cosy compress composed of ancient Thai herbs hugged my shoulders to lock in the deep healing experience.
This one is super special: a rare combination of restorative healing on an urban holiday. A five-star spa, at a five-star location. Go for it.