Author Name: GlobalSpa
Published Date: 10-Mar-2023
By Radhika Agrawal
Once considered a rather frivolous form of entertainment, social media has completely changed the way we live. It has a lot more to offer than trending reels, memes, style guides, and cat videos—it’s a platform where millions around the globe can express themselves and find their tribe. Research suggests that women are more active on social media than men. This places them front and centre in current topics of interest, and also allows them to shape new trends.
We sat down with fashion and lifestyle content creator Meghna Kaur, fondly known by her Instagram handle ‘shetroublemaker’, to talk about how social media has created new and exciting job opportunities for women. Here, she talks about her journey as a content creator, what it means to be a troublemaker, and more.
GlobalSpa: How did the idea for 'shetroublemaker' come about and how long have you been curating online content?
Meghna Kaur: You know how as a kid you want to come up with a handle that sounds really cool? I felt this was unique and catchy, and that’s how ‘shetroublemaker’ was born. I’ve been creating content for the last eight years, since 2016.
GlobalSpa: Had you imagined you'd be where you are when you started your vlog? Tell us a little bit about the journey.
Meghna Kaur: Honestly, you can never plan such things. I’m the kind of person who goes for what she wants. I had a vision, so I worked hard for it and hard work goes a long way. Even when things didn't work out, there was a lesson to learn from. I have had my shares of ups and downs, and I’ve learnt a lot along the way.
GlobalSpa: As a woman, what are some unique opportunities that being a content curator has opened up for you?
Meghna Kaur: I believe it’s very important to be independent—that was my goal when I started creating content. I always adored fashion and back then, there weren’t a lot of people who were into content creation, so I had the liberty to experiment. When a woman chooses to be independent both financially and otherwise, this directly impacts the way people perceive her. Nowadays, many brands are approaching female content creators because they are creating their own identities using their voice and proving they belong just as much as a man does.
GlobalSpa: As a self-proclaimed troublemaker, can you recall any acts of rebellion you have initiated?
Meghna Kaur: (Laughs) It’s honestly just a name, I don’t create any kind of trouble—or at least that’s what I’ll say. The rest is for you to figure out!
GlobalSpa: What would you say to people who don't consider being a content curator or an influencer a real career path?
Meghna Kaur: According to a recent survey, it’s one of the most desirable jobs. The creator economy is having a moment unlike any other industry. Not only are people realising that they can monetize their hobbies, but they’re also understanding that there’s potential to make six figures while doing it. Of course, results don’t materialise overnight. It may take months or years, but if you stick to it, you can succeed.
GlobalSpa: How do you unwind after a busy day of work?
Meghna Kaur: I love coming back home, watching Netflix, and spending some alone time practising skin care.
GlobalSpa: Lastly, what is your wellness philosophy?
Meghna Kaur: I like to spend time with friends and family, exercise, and get a good night’s sleep.