
Decoding 5 Factors that Builds a Resilient Lifestyle in the Pandemic

Author Name: GlobalSpa

Published Date: 20-Jul-2021

Decoding 5 Factors that Builds a Resilient Lifestyle in the Pandemic

Sameer Bhide articulates observations from his own journey dealing with grief and healing, that are described in his memoir, ‘One Fine Day’, here are 5 self-care tips that can help build resilience in the face of uncertainty.

Even as nations embark on wide-scale vaccination drives, newer strains of the Covid-19 virus continue to threaten the global post-pandemic recovery. As a major part of the country is cautiously emerging out of the deadly second wave and taking the first steps to some normalcy, the chances of a third wave are becoming increasingly higher, with the discovery of new, more contagious mutant strains. While most of us are still slowly coming to terms with the grief, loss, social isolation, and financial uncertainty of the past year hearing the news of a third wave could be a strong trigger for inducing anxiety and even thoughts of helplessness and hopelessness.

1.) Create a healthy routine

Even as the lockdown is lifted – partially or completely in some areas, it is important to create and maintain a healthy routine which allows for ample time for sleep, hobbies, socialising, other daily duties, including work and household chores. Routines help build consistency and stability in life and impact the immediate environment, making it more effective and positive. In the face of a possible third wave or another lockdown, a well-planned and regular routine can be a strong pillar of support, to build both productivity, purpose, and a sense of accomplishment in the daily life.

2.) Rethink and reimagine your work

This are one of the key aspects that one needs to focus on. One year and two lockdowns later, it is important that one is clear about one’s financial liabilities, potential for growth or savings and open enough to rethink and reimagine what you do to earn a living. The job uncertainty in the market, due to the pandemic, has pushed several families to look for alternative sources of income, to diversify their earnings and not be completely dependent on just one source. This has led to a flourishing gig economy, with work from home processes making it simpler and manageable. Something like this should be explored to ensure financial security and agility.

3.) Nurture close relationships

One important thing the pandemic has taught us is the value of friends and family. The lockdown and social isolation helped highlight the value of social relationships, making them more real and supportive. Nurturing these relationships, either through in-person meetings or through video calling, etc., is important to build a social and emotional support system. Bonds like these help one in building emotional resilience and hope, in the face of gloom and uncertainty.

4.) Focus on mental health

Another especially important aspect is to keep a check on one’s own mental health. In these difficult times, it is easy to fall prey to negative thought processes and surround oneself with constant thoughts of gloom or hopelessness. One needs to be able to identify these thought processes in time and embark on activities that may help ease these disturbances whether cultivating a new hobby or engaging in social conversations, involvement in self-help groups, volunteering your time, doing regular exercises, following a healthy diet and regular sleep routine. Doing regular meditation and talking to a clinical psychologist will also help.

5.) Follow all guidelines

Last, but not the least, the best way to tide over this pandemic, both as an individual and as a society, is to follow all the guidelines and rules set by the local governments and healthcare organizations, to ensure the minimum spread of the virus no matter how frustrated or fatigued, we are. The guidelines include but are not limited to doing Vaccination, following social distancing norms, wearing masks, and taking all personal hygiene precautions.

While it may feel difficult, frustrating, and helpless even to hear about and prepare for a possible third wave of the pandemic, we all must remember “it is what it is” and we just cannot hope to turn back the clock and go back to how it was before the pandemic. The changes brought about by this new normal are here to stay whether one likes it or not and we have to find innovative ways to adapt and reinvent our personal and professional lives. The more one focuses on self-improvement, self-growth, and self-preservation against the virus, the easier and faster it would be for all of us, as a race, to tide over this global crisis.

About the author: Sameer Bhide is an author and survivor of a rare hemorrhagic stroke. After his two brain surgeries he was in a medically induced coma for a month, and to date continues to go through rehabilitation therapies. He experienced tremendous loss and grief, not just because of the stroke but also due to the end of his successful career and his divorce.

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